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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A wooden sword ... first icon i made .. just liked to make an icon :p

Made in Gimp :D

Made the sword FreeHand all of it ... but throwed some filters and a layer to make it better :D


Fixed some stuff made border look better ... made sword more sharper :D

ext.. :D hope you like it now :D

Sword, wooden, glow, ext.

BTNNatureSword (Icon)

20:43, 7th Aug 2009 oh_snap: Just filters and brushes. Rejected.




20:43, 7th Aug 2009
oh_snap: Just filters and brushes. Rejected.



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
well, sword is hard to see
also using filters is not good -> mods
for me the background looks nice, but you should really work on the sword, make it bigger, or redo it.

and is something wrong with the border? there are two small black lines in the top and bottom of the icon

Hmm seems my icon is fairly good i think .. then i shall reword the sword and make it better.

Also why can't we use filters they are here for a reason !

The we should use Paint .. not Photoshop DUH :p :D

Thanks for the comment :D
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
Okay Constructive Criticism, here we go:grin:
Sword needs to be more defined, it looks like it is in the background, and also the overall look of the sword seems kinda flat, needs a bit more depth^^ 3/5 for now, being your first icon:wink:
Need some fixes.

1: The glow/background should overall never be the same tone and color as the icons' focus (in this case the sword as the name implies.

2: The sword is very small, you could maybee try and zoom up closer to it.

3: Try to define it and add some more shading and highlights.

4: Might want to rename it as the name is not very good... Somthing like Blade of Nature, Nature Sword, or somthing like that (I know i'm not very creative :D)

Do this properly and i think the icon should be aproveable:wink:



Level 19
Aug 27, 2007
Seems the filter is still there but ok, Hmm, the sword is hard to see now. Bring it out so we can see its a sword.

Well the sword should be part of the Icon, not alone and the backround filters alone.

It seems fine, but still needs alot of fixing... remember my first ever made icon.. and beleive me GIMP is a pain in the ass...