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Greeting, after seeing Tarrasque's(Jigrael's) Naga Warqueen nice model on Hive, i realized it needed an icon. So i decided to make one, my 2D artist skills are not really great but this is what i came with.

  • Optimized the icons greatly without visual quality loss.
    BTN: From 19kb to 5kb.
    DISBTN: From 11kb to 3kb.
  • Added a scorescreen icon.

Naga, Warqueen, War, Jigrael, CeDiL, Tarrasque.

BTNNagaWarqueen (Icon)

17:47, 3rd Oct 2008 Dan van Ohllus: Useful, and evidence of the model author's approval.




17:47, 3rd Oct 2008
Dan van Ohllus:
Useful, and evidence of the model author's approval.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2008
OK Hawkwing :) sorry for High Size Spam! I'll just wait for an Icon Moderator to see his Oppinion.

Here is The P.M Messages Copy!

Originally Posted by CeDiL
Hi man, i was just searching models, and i found your Naga Warqueen... it's very nice and the face is cute too!
I searched the icon for it ... but i couldn't find.
So i made it myself. You should check and approve it,
if you don't like or there are some problems just P.M me and i remove it.
Visit It!
Gladly from CeDiL.

Originally Posted by Jigrael
Looks nice, I would have used another angle, but its good.
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