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The Glock

This is the first gun icon I've ever made
(with a lot of review help from zombie and snap btw)
First I thought that there is already a glock here, but whatever, there is like 500 sword icons here, so one more or less gun wont make a difference.

Okey, I guess that's it...
Any doubt about its freehand %?
its 100. I got a lot of wips, and Ill post them as fast as there is doubt, you know.

Personal note: though I actually told zombie recently that I wasn't going to upload this,
I hope he doesn't care much. Thanks man!

EDIT: removed some of the lines that caused the hacking (or whatever you should call it, lol)
Should be better when the update applies.

EDIT2: Remade the shading part.

glock 11 glock11 gun mobilize horde studios pistol hand handgun

BTNMOBGlock (Icon)

07:56, 6th Aug 2009 oh_snap: Take a look at my review in my post. Please update it as I suggested. oh_snap: Well done, you did what I asked, Recommended.




07:56, 6th Aug 2009
oh_snap: Take a look at my review in my post. Please update it as I suggested.

oh_snap: Well done, you did what I asked, Recommended.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
If im correct, you already posted this on hordestudio?
Anyway, 5/5. Moar modern iconz!
Level 16
Dec 8, 2004
The highlights and shading is extremely random. Bright spots appearing at the top left corner of parts of the weapon are not how any light source would look like. I would suggest you look at real life pictures, and try to understand how light looks shining on something and how the shadows are formed based on the light. The gun itself doesn't have any texture to it, and when reduced simply looks like a gradient was applied, also due to how the highlights and shadows are placed. See how zombie's glock has a texture feel to it:

Which also brings up a couple other points. Your gun doesn't have nice defined lines, as a gun is made out of metal. For that I suggest you zoom in a helluva lot, and draw the lines. To fix the rugged look of the lines, take a 2 pixel brush and make a thin outline with it. Now, here comes the second point: There's already a glock icon in the section. Now, there is absolutely no unique factor from yours compared to the one already in the database. They both depict the same exact weapon they both are gray. Yours is not as good as quality as the one currently in the database, as well.

You mentioned that there's 500 sword icons, and the reason they are approved are because they are not the same as the others. I would suggest you try a different angled perspective, or give this glock a silver slide. Or even show the gun firing a bullet. The glow simply distracts away from the gun as it is the same or a similar color to the gun itself. I would suggest you get rid of it, or simply find a color that looks good.

The proportions of the gun are also off, for that, I suggest you use a reference and try to mimic it more closely. Glock magazines also go straight across from the bottom of the grip, and don't stick out as profusely as your drew it. The slide is far too long, the trigger grip not wide enough. The slide of the gun is metallic, and the grip and the rest of the gun are made out of a plastic polymer, so those parts should be of a darker gray. The thumb grip doesn't stick out as much either. The front sight of the gun is too far forward aswell. I would suggest overall that you use this as reference:




Icon Reviewer
Level 62
Jun 2, 2008
Misha, for one (Calm down..) and secondly for a glance this does look like a gun if you simply just Google it as of the straight lines and nice edges as a everyday gun has. so i suggest you all wait for Either Zombie, or Oh_Snap too deal with this.
Level 2
Jul 13, 2009
i wanna dig this thing but I'm not talking like Hunka Chunka PB and J or anything i wanna use it but i cant to busy downloading commment back in several weeks...
Level 14
Oct 18, 2008
You know what you CnP fanatics.... this gun ain't a CnP and you must be really blind to NOT notice that.

it's a freehand, a bit poorly shaded, but freehand.

so if you can't post creative and constructive criticism, the GTFO from here.

i agree, i saw mobilize make it from the start and it wasn't a copy of an image or CnP, JUST because hive get alot of Cnp doesn't mean ALL of the GOOD icons need to be investigated.
You know what you CnP fanatics.... this gun ain't a CnP and you must be really blind to NOT notice that.

it's a freehand, a bit poorly shaded, but freehand.

so if you can't post creative and constructive criticism, the GTFO from here.

XD its kinda like saying:

Its really good. So it must be a CnP. :p

but no. everyone who is at HordeStudios knows that he made this completley freehand
Level 10
Jun 7, 2009
XD its kinda like saying:

Its really good. So it must be a CnP. :p

but no. everyone who is at HordeStudios knows that he made this completley freehand

Yeah. Fells kinda lame that the only time I actually worked pretty hard with an icon everybody rise up and accuse me for CnP.
I guess that kinda drives me away from actually working my ass off drawing icons.
but oh well...
Level 7
Jun 8, 2010
Apparently, anything on Hive is CnP -_-
I mean even if its somewhat blurry because of a blur and fade technique. Ahem.

But, well done. Though the shading does look random in the enlarged image, the actual Icon itself and the quality dilute the randomness of the gun. Good job!
Level 10
Jun 7, 2009
Grateful that this icon's still appreciated.

Two years since I submitted this, and I'm glad I did. Thanks for the constructive criticism the people of hive gave me while making icons,
which made me end up getting better at artwork as a whole, finish school with top grades and get a job at an independent game developer company as an artist.

Thanks, and I hope you all continue to use and enjoy this icon-