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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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A lightning storm I threw together, not sure exactly what it could be used for, perhaps a monsoon replacement. Well anyways... Enjoy.

lightning, storm, electric, electricity, light, power, rain

BTNLightningStorm (Icon)

08:06, 14th Oct 2009 Zombie.: [Trolling removed from description] First of all, the boring color scheme of the background make all the lighting effects in the foreground pretty much blend in. I'd advise you to go over either of them with a soft...




08:06, 14th Oct 2009
Zombie.: [Trolling removed from description] First of all, the boring color scheme of the background make all the lighting effects in the foreground pretty much blend in. I'd advise you to go over either of them with a soft yellow or blue, or preferably make the lighting yellow and the bg blue. Right now, the ground and the clouds look pretty much the same, do some details that make the ground look something different than clouds. Also, the shape of the lightning effects could use improvements, observe pictures made of the similar events to determine how they look like.

Rejected until updated.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
If you use photoshop i know a good way too make some decent clouds. You get a medium sized circle brush with whatever opacity and color you want. Then, cover an area that you want your clouds too go. After that you get the "burn tool" and make it look 3-d or like clouds by stroking it back and fourth (That didn't just sound gay) then you use the "dodge tool" to lighten some areas up.
I didn't use any filters so don't cry please Dmazzz....

You didn't finally, but WTF is this? Where is the lightning and where are the clouds??? The only thing I see are 1 million white,gray and black dots.

Tips: Draw in a 6inch x 6inch area, use the thing called a "Tool Box", let me explain: It usually contains a tool called a pen or pencil. You select a color and you start moving it around in the painting area, there is another tool called Dodge and/or Burn, its very useful for shading and effects. When you are done with this part you probably should Sharpen or blur some areas. There is a way to draw beneath an area without messing the top part of the painting, this is called a layer, use it. Try many,many,many times and before you know it you will have a good, original, nice quality, free-handed icon. When you are done, re-size to 64x64 (Standard WC3 Icon Size). Save into a folder called "IN"(I suggest to change the file type to a BMP, it is recommended because it usually doesn't let the icon lose the quality), if your new, re-sized icon needs to be blurred or sharpened even more, this is your last chance for it. Save the icon. Use a border adding tool (there are many, I use W3IR). Add the borders and save it onto the "OUT" folder. Use a program to convert to .blp (War3Viever is a good one) save from 80-99% quality. And upload, wait for people to critic,compliment and actually give opinions on how it looks and how to improve the icon. Wait for it to get approved and rejected.

Now Oblivion, this might seem a very long and difficult task but its actually what we all endure and pass through patiently. Now if you follow these steps, before you know it, you'll do pretty good and maybe eventually become my friend. But if you don't, then I have nothing else to say except, i'm going to keep voicing my opinion about ALL icons including yours whether you like it or not. Its your call.
Level 9
Nov 25, 2008

Why are your lightnings gray, just same colour as clouds?

and in lightning there's the word "light", so you might want to brighten up lightning to make it look like lightning

And what the hell ist the gey stuff at the bottom supposed to be, where the lightnings "land"?
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 23
May 19, 2008
Is it rain or lightning that is comming out of the cloud?
if lightning, then make alot more light in it, and highlights! Fix the shape of the cloud.
Also, the brown in it? Can't see what it is, but i suppose it is dirt or something? fix that too.
Google and find a picture of lightning that you can look at, while you draw, so you can see how the real thing looks.
I didn't use any filters so don't cry please Dmazzz....

But seriously Dmazzz... Can you at least TRY not to piss me off and I will TRY to not get pissed... I will take your tips but don't try and act as if I know nothing about photoshop.

hell, you are pathetic.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
When you update it and the page comes up the icons don't change you gotta hit the "refresh" button and then it will refresh the icons. Also, nice improvements but, i think the lightning bolts have too many lines in them too make it look like scribbles so i would fix the up a bit followed by making better highlights on them.
Yeah, I have working on it, but I am trying to get a decent looking glow without using filters, I suppose I can try and have dirt fly up and maybe a few rocks to make it look like it's crushing it's way into the ground.

Thanks for the compliments though, will work on this a bit today but not going to spend my entire day on it. (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days awaits) :)