• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Some dude rallying his forces on the battlefield. I included some fiery...er...Fire bolts!...in the background, just because I think it looked nice. :D

This is not the same type of look-alike as my Freezing Blade icon. This is more like... Based on a HMM5 interface icon, rather than immitating a HMM5 icon.

My first attempt at one of those "focused-object-is-all-black-with-a-little-highlight-while-the-background-keeps-all-the-colours-for-itself" - icons. :D
Hope I didn't do too bad. :eek:
Based on the interface icon of HMM5's "Last Stand" secondary skill. This time I couldn't be arsed to copy the HMM5 icon into Paint.NET and attach it to my subscription post so you could see it, so here's a link to a HMM database/strategy guide's HMM5 Secondary Skills - Knight page. You'll find Last Stand in the "Defense" skill lane.

100% free-hand, made with Paint.NET.

Leadership, Morale, Leader, Rally, Army, Last Stand,

BTNLeadership (Icon)

09:04, 4th Aug 2009 zombie2279: Good work. The whole thing had much more potential, detailing the guys in the foreground would have helped a lot. It looks good, but since it's consistant of a collection of silhouettes and a bg, I'll approve it with a...




09:04, 4th Aug 2009
zombie2279: Good work. The whole thing had much more potential, detailing the guys in the foreground would have helped a lot. It looks good, but since it's consistant of a collection of silhouettes and a bg, I'll approve it with a recommended at the very most.
Level 11
Jun 7, 2008
People always asking abstract for his WIPS, hahaha. Well, I believe ya!
Nice icon bro. I'd be cool if you could elaborate on what the guy's standing on top of. If hes standing over his troops, maybe draw some swords or spears sticking up? Idunno. No judging in brainstorming right?
Anyways, I think its fine as is. 5/5
Level 11
Mar 7, 2009
Thanks for the comments, people.
@ Coinblin: There are some swords, spears and a banner jutting from the hill, but it might not be very visible on the small-sized picture?
@ People asking for WIPs: Hehe, AoP, I know it's not personal... I usually don't save any WIPs. :l But I got my original 128x128 version, if that'll do? :)

I assure you it is free-handed, although I'm afraid I don't have much more proof than this.
EDIT: I have my .pdn (Paint.NET Image) file picture, with sepperate layers. But attaching that wouldn't help much, would it now? Lawl :]


  • Leadership.png
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Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Not bad, i kinda like it.

But i cant see much of leadership in it, only the guy holding the flag kinda gives a small feeling.

4/5 nevertheless.
Level 4
Oct 31, 2013
One of my favorite icons.
The color is incredible and pairs very well with the soldier's silhouette: a peaceful skyline after a hard-earned victory. I also like how the flag's tip really use all of the left top side of the icons, while it falls in that curtly sexy way.

That said, the warrior's sword seems too bulky for me and detailing the guys in the foreground would [really] have improved the scene a lot.