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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Dark_Dragon
My first go at a hand drawn icon!
Simple Katana or short sword for use on items etc.
The contrast still isn't quite right but i'm still getting to grips with how war3 deals with gamma.

Sword, Katana,

BTNKatana (Icon)

12:23, 16th Jun 2009 zombie2279: Not bad, I'd like to see more details on the blade and the level of shading increased. 08:55, 20th Jun 2009 zombie2279: Rejected until updated.




12:23, 16th Jun 2009
zombie2279: Not bad, I'd like to see more details on the blade and the level of shading increased.

08:55, 20th Jun 2009
zombie2279: Rejected until updated.