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Some kinda bronze swording partially turned into ice? :]

Anyways, I based it off the Heroes of Might and Magic 5 skill called "Cold Steel".
I tried to make it look as much as the skill image/icon, yet still make it a bit different, and turn it into a more Warcraft-ish style. So I hope I didn't do too bad. :]
Personally, I think it turned out awesome, so if this doesn't get Approved I'm gonna commit suicide. ...Or maybe not.

As always, 100% freehanded. Made with Paint.NET.

And by the way, I don't like HMM5. I just like the interface icons they use for... Well... Creatures, artifacts, Primary/Secondary skills etc. :D
So credits to 3DO (HMM devs) for the inspiration.

-As requested, a glow has been added.
-Amount of highlight and general contrast on the sword has been increased.

Sword, Blade, Edge, Frost, Frozen, Freezing, Cold, Steel, Heroes of Might and Magic

BTNFreezingSwordFix1 (Icon)

11:05, 1st Aug 2009 zombie2279: The blade could use some more highlights and I think it would look better with a glow. It's nice, but quite empty. 8:44, 3rd Aug 2009 zombie2279: Changes made, approved.




11:05, 1st Aug 2009
zombie2279: The blade could use some more highlights and I think it would look better with a glow. It's nice, but quite empty.

8:44, 3rd Aug 2009
zombie2279: Changes made, approved.
Level 11
Mar 7, 2009

If you think it didn't turn out too bad, maybe I'll make some more HMM5 (or HMM3) icon look-alikes. :thumbs_up:
EDIT: The...umh, orb thingie on the crossbar on my look-alike is NOT supposed to be a skull like on the HMM5 Cold Steel skill. Just so you know. ^^

And by the way:
To hell with HMM4 and HMM5, it screwed up the lovely series. :mad:
Go HMM1/2/3! (Specially 3:grin:)

Here's the concept too, by the way:


  • Concept.png
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Level 11
Mar 7, 2009
Hehe thanks. I'm away for the weekend (typing from the network @ my hotel right now), so I'll add a glow when I get back, as several has requested it.
And I might make more HMM look-alikes :)
EDIT: Yes, you might be right. The angle of the razor/blade/sharp part/whatever you like to call it is a bit off. ... Like it twists, or something. xD
I'll see if I can't fix that too ;)
EDIT2: Sorry Paladon, I decided to go experimental on this one, and tried to make it 120x120, rather than my normal format of 500x500. And I forgot to save the god damn original o_O But I'll see if I can't find some sort of way to prove I made it free-handed, as your post seems skeptical to wether I made it or not. :O
I'll try to make my next icon 120x120 too (I kinda liked it). If you wish, I'll save WIPs or make absolutely sure I save the original format. Sorry I forgot this time, I'm going to make sure it will be a once-in-a-life-time coinsidence.

Again, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. I am definitely no CnPer. 0.o
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
I like the style alot o_O

5/5. the frozen tip is just plain awesome and very unique (imo)
Level 11
Mar 7, 2009
Thanks a lot, Mare! :D

And thanks for understanding, Paladon. Honestly, I was pretty sure you trusted me, as I haven't been asked for WIPs/Full-pics as proof since my very first icon. :)
And ehh, kk, I'll make it 128x128. How big a difference does it really make? The only I can figure out on my own would be that my border manager tool will divide the format by 2 instead of some long, cryptic number (like 2,129482049 etc, for instance)... Does that make any impact on the quality?
Oh, don't bother. I'm just curious. :)
Anyways, I'll make it 128x128 if you say so. ... You're the expert, I guess.

And I'm already planning to make a glow, Zombie (moderator's comment). Expect an update. :)

EDIT: And about the sharp edges, well, I usually add a minor Blur effect around the edges to make them a bit smoother. But in the small format, the effect makes it look blurry, rather than making it look smooth. So I had to leave the icon without it. :)