Some kinda bronze swording partially turned into ice? :]
Anyways, I based it off the Heroes of Might and Magic 5 skill called "Cold Steel".
I tried to make it look as much as the skill image/icon, yet still make it a bit different, and turn it into a more Warcraft-ish style. So I hope I didn't do too bad. :]
Personally, I think it turned out awesome, so if this doesn't get Approved I'm gonna commit suicide. ...Or maybe not.
As always, 100% freehanded. Made with Paint.NET.
And by the way, I don't like HMM5. I just like the interface icons they use for... Well... Creatures, artifacts, Primary/Secondary skills etc.

So credits to 3DO (HMM devs) for the inspiration.
-As requested, a glow has been added.
-Amount of highlight and general contrast on the sword has been increased.
Sword, Blade, Edge, Frost, Frozen, Freezing, Cold, Steel, Heroes of Might and Magic