Hurrah, StaberFire is submitting resources again!
Well, it's true. After a long period of critiquing others, I have finally started to allow others to critique me.
This icon is simply a sword imbued with some type of red magic.
Give credits if used, do not redistribute... blah blah blah.
Oh, I almost forgot, credit to KelThuzad for his Icon tutorial, which showed me how to correctly shape and shade a blade.
Also credit to TDR for his Colour Blending tutorial, which helped me with shading the sword and making the glow smoother.
Update1: Gave the sword more shading around the edges and on the face. Redid the red glow and added a gradient background for more eye-pleasing. Also added credit in the description for tutorials.
Update2: Added rune to the blade, removed gradiant and put in a background. Also added some highlight to the face of the blade.
Update3: Put a couple more runes on the blade and detailed the red beckground.
Red, Sword, Magic, Power, JohnStamos