22:16, 20th Apr 2014
Sin'dorei300: Smexy.
Sin'dorei300: Smexy.
What's this supposed to be?
It's an axe right? It's really hard to recognise it for a first time.
I think the problem is with the handle, the yellow looks like it's part of it, while it's a background I guess? But yeah when I look closely, it really looks good.
Can't you see? It's a double edged axe, read the names.. -_-
Without the name, it would damn hard to guess what it is.
Heck, even with the name, it took me a minute or two to guess what it really is. The axe itself looked like it was the background. My first thought was that it was a violin or something because of the combination of the handle and the yellow background surrounding it. :/
Oh yeah, look at the orange stuff it looks like a .. something.I still do not see anything even remotey resembling an axe, even with that description..
[EDIT] Oh, wait I see it now! The black part is the axe, I though that was the background.
Basically, this is what I saw: (focus on the orange parts)
Oh yeah, look at the orange stuff it looks like a .. something.
Focus on the black part and you have a double edged axe. Maybe make the orange less orange and the black stand out more?
Talk about eyes fooling you ..