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Icon for Decayed murloc skin.

Credits to Werewulf

BTNDecayedMurloc (Icon)

BlackDoom [Date = 21st of July, 2007] [Approval status = Approved] [Rating = (6) Great] [Main points] [x] The icon has the required minimal formats (an active one and the corresponding disabled one). [x] The files work correctly in Warcraft3 Viewer...





[Date = 21st of July, 2007]
[Approval status = Approved]
[Rating = (6) Great]

[Main points]
[x] The icon has the required minimal formats (an active one and the corresponding disabled one).
[x] The files work correctly in Warcraft3 Viewer.

The DISBTN image should be darker. Just to keep myself objective, I used the "warcraft3icondocument.psd" border templates in order to generate the DISBTN version of your BTN icon.
My result was darker than yours, and when compared, your version looked burnt than darkened.

Then icon is very good, even the DISBTN is compatible, yet you may consider updating it later on.