13:53, 13th Jan 2012
enjoy: I love the color combination, and also the "dark feel" to it.
enjoy: I love the color combination, and also the "dark feel" to it.
(9 ratings)
the hat is too little and closed, 7.5/10 -> 4/5
Maybe the wearer is a dwarf (or a hobbit :3) and the cloak looks flat and loose on such a god creation of shortnessthe hat is too little and closed, 7.5/10 -> 4/5
this guy is sick
Did you call me "sick" sir?
As long as i noticed you walk through forum and speak that you do not like the icons... as for me this is a bit incorrectly
your walk through forum and speak that you do not like the icons... as for me this is a bit incorrectly
Stop fight please
Do i need a diplome for rate icons? Fuckin sort of kid go fuck ahead both of you get aids and die bha.