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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is another icon i spent quiet a lot of time on. It is a scary bleeding-with-fire skull in the middle of some abyssal hell.
UPDATE: Thanks to Dr. Boom for his support. I will try and fix this icon when I have time.

skull burning flaming in hell blue green fire hell

BTNBurningSkull (Icon)

01:02, 11th Apr 2010 enjoy: Please look at some tutprals before submitting more work.




01:02, 11th Apr 2010
enjoy: Please look at some tutprals before submitting more work.
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Ok another icon on Hive and I will look on it - lets go

Ok, I smiled when I see this icon first, but it wasn't a bad smile =)

It looks different but I don't want say, it looks bad. If you look at it, you know it has something to do with fire, also you know this red can be a face or somehow a skull.

The style up to now looks more like cartoon - I don't know if that was your plan. If it wasn't ... hmm I think this need some fixes, better detail and not this "comic - style"

Ok what we have in points:

+ Works ingame
+ You got the important icon types

* As I said, the problem is that I don't know, if this should be more a comic/cartoon - icon or a real one
* If it's a comic/cartoon icon it looks very good, but I don't think that many people will use it ( nothing against the icon )
* If it's no comic/cartoon icon, you have to fix this.

I don't will rate it now, because I don't know your idea behind the icon style, maybe you tell it and I can rate it.

The Bomb King > Dr. Boom
Level 4
Apr 6, 2010
Actually i was planning to make it realistic, but I just cant put my brush to that. Though it does look comic because i dont have the skill, and maybe i messed something up when converting it to an icon because it was better quality. I will try to edit it and make it more serious :)