21:58, 14th Jan 2012
Pyramidhe@d: Useful
Pyramidhe@d: Useful
(3 ratings)
It might be an idea to zoom in so that the axe covers more of the icon, and make the background less dominant?
It might be an idea to zoom in so that the axe covers more of the icon, and make the background less dominant?
Then you don't need to put as much detail
However, I'm kinda sick of the closeup weapon icons and I think there should be at least one set of zoomed out weapon icons.
Whyshould there be one set of zoomed out weapons? They seem minion weapons.
I've updated it, if you've noticed. Comments?
What they are is subjective to the needs of the user, do not rate or influence your thoughts of the icon based on what YOU would use it for.
Any real reason for it to be large?