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Level 4
Jul 11, 2006
I noticed that if a unit is killed by an effect the player did not directly give the order to (such as a unit that kills something for them) they receive the bounty from kills, but the floating text is not displayed. Is there a way to get the floating text to display too, or is that only in a perfect world?
Level 4
Jul 11, 2006
Hmmm, the text should display anways. If it does not then there is a probblem with something.

Really? Well... what I did to test it is I just had the units I script create (to cast a spell that kills targets), rather than being invisible and deleted afterwards like normal, I have them hang around once they're done.

If I select them and manually use their spell on targets, it displays bounty floating text with kills.

If the script orders them to cast the spell, it does not display the bounty floating text. Likewise with anything else, such as the 'cause unit to damage area' function, this is the case with everything I've tested. If a human gives the order, it shows bounty; if it's the computer, it does not.

It's the only thing that keeps me from doing lots of scripted damage, I want people to be able to see the bounty from their kills.
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Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Well the only thing i know is, that "bounce gold" doesn't exist.
For bounty, I (!) only had to check that the bounty is enabled for the enemy (means you get gold for kills ^^) and after calculate the appropriate amount of bounty in the object editor. And it really works fine :)
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