Boundry Disputes 1.01

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is supposed to be somesort of a huge strategy game. You have to start with very few builders. Create your base, secure it with towers or units (towers are way stronger then units), capture new gold mines, confront enemies and so on. You can earn early bonus gold by exploring some places which are hard to get to. Suggested players 2 to 12. There may be one bad thing... If you have huge armies moving at same time, it will probably lag. Dunno if moving enemy armies who are out of line of sight will cause lag. The game has a bad habit of crashing after half an hour of gameplay. This habit should be easily avoided by saving your game once during the game before it crashes.

Now in my opinion most of the big flaws and small bugs are repaired so play this PLZ. If it needs even bigger description then :S

strategy, risk, warcraft, tactics, tower, war, base, builder

Boundry Disputes 1.01 (Map)

14:22, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Ok, so here`s my review:
- first thing was, the building time, it was horrible to wait normal time
- resources are kinda too many
- shipyard can be built at normal ground (not in-water) within something about 100 to water (that don`t let you build ships)
- first I didn`t know what to do, you could display text "find place and build" (not everyone checks quests)
- why 5 normal builders? (I know they can massive-build, but that`s not useful)
- fix it

+/- terrain is good enough but nothing special, anyway playable
+ number of units, it`s nice

Overall like for now I can vote only for 2/5. Hope you will make it better.
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Level 3
Aug 28, 2008
Fixed stuff and changes:
1) Tooltip Missing!--- No more of that.
2) A lot of other minor bugs what you didnt notice or didn't know to notice.
3) A bit more complicated terrain, added some wildlife and more props.
4) Shipyard belongs to the water from nowon :D.
5) At start it tells you to find a place to build base and check quests.
6) For smoother start I added a Magical Transporter to each spawn, but i didn't reduce the number of builders for survivability.
7) I removed few goldmines.
8) Building time of all things has been reduced a bit or a lot, depends on the thing.
9) Added some gold coins allover the map for explorers.
10) Added very clear hints to quests for people who aren't smart enough to notice that hinted stuff themselves.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
Only one bug/glitch/problem I don't know how to fix, I cant limit my Kings XD. Basicly you can make infinite amount of Kings :/ Need advice about that :D.

i supose the king is a hero right?
then here is what you need to do to fix that bug :
Go to Advanced -> Gamplay Constants. Check the "Use Custom Gameplay Constants" and roll down untill you find "Techtree - Dependency Equivalents - Hero", click on it and then click Edit Value (or simply double click) and add your King there. That's it !:p
Level 3
Aug 28, 2008
magIc_seeKer Thank you but i dunno why, it didnt work :(. Still your advise inspired me to make a really simple solution XD. When u build yuor first king then usually you needed a keep to build next, right? ( at least with my bug). But if i put a building into techtree requirement that you cant build in this game then you cant build 2 kings :D. Your advise was a big help.
Level 3
Aug 28, 2008
Again found few bugs...and fixed.
1) Now you can research the invisibility spell (in castle). You can cast on spy itself now too.
2) Spy has now light armor and melee attack.
3) King bug is fixed now :D.
4) Made an Upgrade to get more gold.
5) Fixed some texts.
6) Added anti air tower.
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Hmm first of all improve description. When rules has changed, there must be more written to be accepted.

EDIT: Hmm, I see you have done an update. I`ll check it as soon as I get to my PC with wc3 ;]
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