[General] Boss Spell Help Required

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006

I wanted to improve one of the bosses in The Chosen Ones campaign by adding on extra special spell. I tried to do this spell but then the wall came and I couldn't continue. So I'm now here asking help.

The idea is:

  • Boss is channeling 10 waves of explosions.
  • When all 10 waves are done, the fight continues(in test map player is just able to activate the spell again).
  • All explosions will happen same time so the spell can be avoided.
  • Totally there can be... 3 waves same time(not more because it will lag I think).
  • As you can probably see 3 effects are not enough when the circle becomes bigger so more explosions are needed then.

Also my sexy hands draw a nice little picture what's happening. Black things are like explosions.

The test map is attached to the post. Ask if you don't understand what's going on here. Not anything new in my threads.

I'm like wanting you to finish what I started. Heh heh... No! Don't think I'm lazy! I just tested 2 hours row the campaign and mean time I'm fixing other things!

Rep & credits for the helpers.


  • Boss Spell Picture(by my sexy hands).jpg
    Boss Spell Picture(by my sexy hands).jpg
    40.6 KB · Views: 154
    20.2 KB · Views: 35
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Hmm, let's see.

Yeah I feared there would come too many explosion. It could really make some bad lag. The area is simply too big for a spell like this. Plus if there would be many waves same time, hmm.

I'm satisfied of your work but I won't use this spell in in the fight I was planning to use. I'll use this elsewhere. I'm not sure yet where but I'll put this to my "boss spell" folder where I'll use it later.

One thing I'm really confused.

  • (((Life of (Matching unit)) Greater than (0.41 - 0.05))
What's that? What's this suppose to do?

Anyway, superb thanks I'll put you to credits right away!
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Okay, okay. Got it.

I'm not going to use this spell for the boss I was planning. Don't be afraid! I will use this spell elsewhere. I'll probably add this spell to a boss in chapter 8 which is my next target after chapter 7! I'll just use different effect.

(the problem with the spell is that it can make too much lag because too many effects so I have to use this for another boss with a smaller boss area)

Thanks for the help you've given! I'll definitely use your work and it won't be wasted!

Thanks again. I'll give you rep when I can(gave you already few days ago or something).
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