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Boss Loot System

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Level 8
Feb 17, 2007
Can anyone give me an example or tell me how to create an item system like this: All items have a set specific drop rate, and 4 appear in a shop after a boss fight. After each new boss fight, the old 4 items get replaced with 4 new items, and the 4 old items never appear again.
Level 8
Feb 17, 2007
If the unit is in the game from the begining, you just change hte item drop percentages from the unit select thing in the editor...

No offence, but I hate when people are unspecific. :wink: What unit select thing? And yes, the unit (the shop) is in the game at the beginning, however, nothing is in the shop initially.

So yeah, I see how I could use the trigger overload described, I still dont see how to add a specific number of random items each with seperate drop percerntages. When the boss dies, you dont actually see the boss drop anything, all the items are automatically transferred to the shop.
Level 8
Feb 17, 2007
Well the boss isn't actually dropping the items, they're just appearing in the Boss Loot Shop. Each item has a specific chance of appearing in the shop, and after each new boss fight, the old amount of items get replaced with new items.
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