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Bombtastic v. 0.62

Bombtastic is a remake of my old game, Bombers.
The map is protected

You and other spontaneous people decide to play with explosives. It ends up that a couple of the participants went trigger-happy and started blowing everything up. You must end their lives using your available resources before they end yours.

Create explosives and blow them up and hope they hit your opponents; simple but dangerous.

notes on this version (.60 to .62):
This is a test-run version. It includes a new way that bombs are created and a basic outline of a few new features. New features coming include: some objects being damaged by bombs, random events, and attribute bonuses. In further versions, you may level up your abilities and stats of your bombs; until then, no hero gains ability level-ups anymore. You may also notice that your drop-ships DO NOT collide with everything yet.

Please comment & rate > 5

Description: introduces a work-around for destructibles so that they are not selectable and includes some fixes along with balances. Will theoretically be the last update until I finish adding all features, if it is stable enough.

- some "destructibles" added with some effects
- civilians to Town Square
- damage text for Ignite and Flame Wand

- Cathedral is more easily damagable
- 'destructibles' are no longer targetable
- revival changes: 70% mana to 60%; 3.5s invulnerability duration to 5s
- suiciding increases revival time by 3 seconds instead of the full 7

- hero selection info fixed to actually show
- units from being killed earlier than desired
- bombing ability turning off earlier than desired
- no longer registers a self-kill as a kill point
- minor path blocker positionings

- text colors for when evading/invulnerable grayed

Description: .61 is mainly a version in hopes of fixing the mess of .60 and improving it.

- some "destructibles" added with some effects
-> previous destructibles destroy system was removed
- Ignite deals 1 damage

- ability Siphon Mana can be used on non-heroes
- leash range increased: 400 to 450
- timer intervals changed to reduce lag
- Create Bombs is no longer limited to 4 seconds
- increased explosion damage area of effect: 80/160 to 90/180
- arena selector is moved to current selection
- revive time ceiling reduced to compensate for the new bombing method

- item fixes
- leak fix for Blink ability
- Siphon Mana ability stops when caster or target dies
- & can be used on units now

- night/day cycle time reduced: 360 to 180 seconds
- sell rate reduced: 80% to 75%
- item costs increased (x100 to make sell return precise) and income increased to match. Gold & exp receive rate lowered: per 5 seconds to per second
- explosion rate is now transferred -- explosions you cause will continously explode at the same rate, independent of who its creator was.
- Illidan main attribute changed: Agility to Strength
- TNT Selector movement increased: 200 to 250
- heroes no longer run when attacked
- Doom summon HP regeneration removed
- Changes to how bombs are created!
- Siphon Mana stops when all of the target's mana is drained instead of when it has 0.5 remaining

- ability Neutral Slam range to neutralize bombs match its slow area: 140 range to 250 range
- multiboard display when using Ignite ability using Doom summon
- randoming a hero gave no abilities
- changed version number to a more realistic one

- changed: hp of some units
- fixed: Infernal Wand area of effect display corrected
- added: trees get damaged by bombs
- fixed: hero stat display corrections
- removed: Coming Soon heroes removed; will return when actually playable

Added bomb effects stack (Mega Bomb + Flame Staff make an uber large explosive)
Added an effect to automatically exploding bombs
Doom summons have the Ignite ability; decay time is 10 seconds

Changed not having enough mana to lay bombs no longer disrupts orders
Changed some weather effects
Changed camera movement for Farm Stop
Changed item replenishment rate: 1 second to 0 second
Changed bomb automatic explosion timer: 30 seconds to 25 seconds
Changed some timer things to help reduce possible lag
Changed bonus for Speed Capsule: 30 to 40
Changed bonus for Run ability: 50% to 45%

Green Helm chance to activate increased: 20% to 60%

Fixed potential major leak problem
Fixed some stuck possible locations
Prevented 'the big bug' where at certain spots, explosives would continually be created wrongly

- game now does not end if the death has a 0 second revive time
- updated bomb text damages for Lay Explosives spells
- fixed a posibility that selecting a hero may put him in a stuck location
- corrected multiboard from not showing 0 bombs owned until you lay another bomb before round
- added a -Stuck command incase you still get stuck
- increased startng timer (30s->45s)
- replaced regular hero death message
- Mode: -Lives## (instead of waiting for everyone to be dead at the same time, everyone must have 0 lives remaining) [Alpha Stage]
- Mode: -Round## (Players will fight with a 80 second revive time at all times. Each round will continue until everyone is dead, but one person.) [Alpha Stage]
- King unit added
- Mannoroth movement reduced (280->270)
- reduced Arena Selector's vision range
- small additions to Wetlands arena
- slight weather effects to arenas

spell balances -
- Doom guard stats (260 movement->200 ms, 2.00 atk speed->2.50 atk speed)

- fixed Siphon Mana lightning when used before round then again at start
- added Town Square arena to initial random possibility
- fixed Mega Bombs spell from being removed when round starts
- corrected Master's spell information
- corrected Doom's damage
- corrected Doom summon when hero dies
- blocked unfinished units temporarily
- removed Bombers original triggers, since all were remade (reduced filesize)
- added a special effect for Phoenix Feather (item) affected bombs
- minor doodad addition to Town Square arena
- 2 player games will now display a message of the victor (but still won't end the game)
- added a clicking sound when countdown starts
- shortened Accept Arena ability tooltip
- when player leaves, multiboards will fade their row and give a Cancel icon

spell changes -
-Bomb Rush (Master) spell changed to Blink

spell balances -
-Doom (Mannoroth) area of effect reduced (160->140)

- fixes with multiboard displaying number of bombs owned by a player
- fixes with some tooltips/hero info text
- players who left during revival times do not revive anymore
- fixed a problem on the edge where bombs would not stop spawning
- some missed leaks fixed
- doom guards get removed at the start of the match
- made 3 second revival time for singleplayer, always
- terrain remakes (all 3 terrains changed, now 5 arenas)
- bomb's maximum duration increased (25s->30s)
- game does not end when there are 1 or 2 players playing (for 1v1 matches, etc.)
- game start now resets ability cooldowns
- shopping range increased (350->515)
- camera is now stuck on the chosen arena
- game now gives a message of who won the game
- heroes now require more exp to level up (1 lv per minute)
- capped max revival time at 80 seconds
- nerfed Illidan unit (bombs: 3 dmg->2.6 dmg)
- nerfed Master unit (bombs: 2.5 dmg->2.4 dmg)
- item remakes (all items changed, now 9 new items)

spell changes -
Bomb Rush (Master unit) changed to point cast
Doom (Mannoroth unit) changed to point cast
Mega Bomb (Illidan unit) bombs show a little command aura effect

spell balances -
Ignite cooldown increased (5s->10s)
Mega Bombs mana cost increased (5->2)
Lay Explosive mana cost per second reduced (1.25/s->1/s)
Doom summon stats edited (7 HP->3 HP, .25 regen->.35 regen, 1s atk cd->2s atk cd)

First release containing mostly remade hero ability for 4 heroes
fixes and leaks to keep lag low
arena selection change and camera work when arena chosen
(v .10i removes an enemy which was for testing only)

Bomb, Bombers, Bombtastic, Bomberman, Explosion, Minigame, Fun

Bombtastic v. 0.62 (Map)

10:33, 7th Oct 2008 Septimus: Nice concept, currently only 4 hero available. But, you should make it playable at single player. People would not be interested to host it if they don't know what to do at the gameplay. I make a quick check and it...




10:33, 7th Oct 2008
Septimus: Nice concept, currently only 4 hero available.

But, you should make it playable at single player. People would not be interested to host it if they don't know what to do at the gameplay.

I make a quick check and it seems to be fine, as for now. Approve
Level 4
Jul 28, 2008
Really cool mini-game i liked it, suggestions are: add a blink/disarm bombs and spice up the terrain some up won'tcha? Sure, it looks fine but it's all flat and not that many obstacles (maybe have the host choose an option like that) Next could have the game focus on the terrain that the games taking place in? (Action--->Camera---->Set Camera Bounds "Map region") And finally a multiple round mode with a point system (like 5 games to win) would be cool rather then increase death time by 7 seconds.

And you got the rest, AI would be really cool and the items are somewhat dull.

Overall though great job and good luck with the map :)
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Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
Thanks for the comment.
I was going to focus on more terrain later but forgot to say it. (Current ones were from the old version as well) I'm still juggling around how though because if the game is still like before, it's somewhat hard to kill already.

As for the camera bounds thing, I tried it before but the minimap looked strange so I removed it.

Personally, I like the death timer increase thing, instead of rounds. This way, the first to die does not have to wait 5 or 15 minutes for the round to end.

Huge update: New terrain, items and many fixes
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Level 4
Jul 28, 2008
Awesome, new updates i'll try em' out, but on the first version did you remove the second hero for red (for the little cinematic you had, he could choose a hero and still had a blood mage in the large arena plus the chosen one)
Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
beast don't i know u?

- maybe; but for now I can't recall

Awesome, new updates i'll try em' out, but on the first version did you remove the second hero for red (for the little cinematic you had, he could choose a hero and still had a blood mage in the large arena plus the chosen one)

- yes, that was removed like after a day you first commented, when I realized he was still there(which was testing a spell)
- I hope you enjoy the new updates, it's almost a new game in itself
Level 2
Nov 15, 2009
Very original, simple, fun to play. All the makings of a great game. 4.5/5. Follow some of Royy's suggestions and it's an easy 5.
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Nice MAP!

Omg Awesome map, I am glad to see it updated after all these years.

Here is a short review on the pro's, con's and things you could add to make the map better.

  • Many heroes
  • No bugs
  • Everything seemed to work
  • Everything balanced

  • Bombs auto explode
  • Terrain is kinda boring
  • Heroes level but don't seem to do much when they level
  • Hard to get a hero to go near a bomb

  • Why does when an agility hero level they get 1 point in intelligence and not agility?

    • Add hero abilities each time they level we get to choose what abilities they learn (Such abilities could be improve bomb strength, or bomb delay or something)
    • Add an explode ability to heroes, so that they can explode there bombs when they want (For example they click it and all bombs explode, good for when heroes are on bombs.)
    • Make it easier to kill heroes
    • Add more doodads round the terrain and pretty it up some of the terrains are just bland
    • Add AI so if you can't get a full house or are playing LAN then the map has more people and makes it harder
    • Random events the map chooser can enable this by type -random on or -random off (These random events would happen every minute or 2 and would cast a random event such as; all bombs on the map explode, a random here gets frozen for a small amount of time, a random hero gets slowed down for a short period of time etc)

    Awesome map and very very fun,
    Lag_Reviews :p

    PS: You have a unique hero arena map, keep up the good work and I can't wait for the heroes that are coming soon to be added :p
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Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
Thanks for the suggestions Lag_Reviews.
My view on some of your critiques:

  • Bombs auto explode I personally like it :( especially when I worked extra on doing it
  • Terrain is kinda boring I agree, but I have little ideas of how to make it better (I'm not a terrainer)
  • Heroes level but don't seem to do much when they level Correct. I will add stuff for it.
  • Hard to get a hero to go near a bomb New creation ability added!

[*]Why does when an agility hero level they get 1 point in intelligence and not agility? Earlier, the only thing different from heroes were their bomb stats. The only factor needed then was mana, so heroes only gained Intelligence.

  • Add hero abilities each time they level we get to choose what abilities they learn (Such abilities could be improve bomb strength, or bomb delay or something) Coming..
  • Make it easier to kill heroes Done with update (I think)
  • Add more doodads round the terrain and pretty it up some of the terrains are just bland tough..
  • Add AI so if you can't get a full house or are playing LAN then the map has more people and makes it harder tougher..
  • Random events the map chooser can enable this by type -random on or -random off (These random events would happen every minute or 2 and would cast a random event such as; all bombs on the map explode, a random here gets frozen for a small amount of time, a random hero gets slowed down for a short period of time etc) maybe..

Oh and thanks for another compliment, Conlan!
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Thanks for the suggestions Lag_Reviews.
My view on some of your critiques:

  • Bombs auto explode I personally like it :( especially when I worked extra on doing it
  • Terrain is kinda boring I agree, but I have little ideas of how to make it better (I'm not a terrainer)
  • Heroes level but don't seem to do much when they level Correct. I will add stuff for it.
  • Hard to get a hero to go near a bomb New creation ability added!

[*]Why does when an agility hero level they get 1 point in intelligence and not agility? Earlier, the only thing different from heroes were their bomb stats. The only factor needed then was mana, so heroes only gained Intelligence.

  • Add hero abilities each time they level we get to choose what abilities they learn (Such abilities could be improve bomb strength, or bomb delay or something) Coming..
  • Make it easier to kill heroes Done with update (I think)
  • Add more doodads round the terrain and pretty it up some of the terrains are just bland tough..
  • Add AI so if you can't get a full house or are playing LAN then the map has more people and makes it harder tougher..
  • Random events the map chooser can enable this by type -random on or -random off (These random events would happen every minute or 2 and would cast a random event such as; all bombs on the map explode, a random here gets frozen for a small amount of time, a random hero gets slowed down for a short period of time etc) maybe..

Oh and thanks for another compliment, Conlan!

Glad to see you liked my review and added some of my suggestions into your game.

I see that some of m suggestions are hard to do, but if you keep at it I reckon this map would be awesomer than it already is.

I can't wait for the hero abilities and I am glad you made it a bit easier to kill heroes with bombs.

Keep up the excellent work,
Lag_Reviews :D

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