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Teh Blood Knight..

was just playin around with some stuff..
model is based off the DemonHunter, some animations look weird and fucked up mainly because they we're transferred from different models..

give credits if used

blood elf, paladin, blood knight, knight, swordsma

BloodKnightByWugiboy (Model)

» Wolverabid « Date: 2nd of February, 2008 Approval status: Approved Rating: (3/5) Useful Main points: [x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III. [x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.




» Wolverabid «

Date: 2nd of February, 2008
Approval status: Approved
Rating: (3/5) Useful

Main points:
[x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III.
[x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.
Level 3
Dec 28, 2007
The model itself looks pretty good.
My two major digs are:
1) Eyes: Blood Elven eyes are green and actually glow

2)The Hammer: Reading the arguments above, some good points are made. Blood Elves rarely, if ever, use proper warhammers in battle. Still, there's a first for everything. I would suggest reskinning it to make it look more regal and Blood Elven though.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
Get a life. Only Elf priests use hammers, or at least mauls, not warhammers.

lol well I don't play WoW but I did read something in WoWWiki called bloodknights and assuming that they we're Paladins, I thought they do use hammers, they don't apparently...

What program did you use to transfer those animations?
Oinker Animation Transfer, I was originally intending to try scratch animating for this model but I kinda felt lazy :(
Level 2
Jul 20, 2007
I like wow as much as the next person, but it is not they definitive fantasy work of the century. besides, is an mmo, so if u want to use a hammer its your choice. Story wise, there are NO elves with hammers. The combat style typically associated with hammers is anathema to the typical elven physique. Even in fantasy works like Lord of the Rings, where elves are quite strong of limb, they do NOT use hammers. Hammers are a brutish, clumsy, and ultimately strength based weapon that does not belong in the hands of a race associated with grace, skill, and elàn.
Level 2
Dec 27, 2007
u never, NEVER played WoW i see, go to silvermoon city to blood knights base and u will NEVER see a pally that is with a shield and NO HAMMER. Exeption: two hands.

well this model aint for WoW either, and this model is a "test" or what should i call it.. it isn't thought trough, that is what i gonna say. :grin:

but hey, time for a change? :spell_breaker:
Level 1
May 27, 2013
eh... there's a very uneven balance between the (sorta) highquality face & hair textures and the other textures.
The head seems to move weird in the walk animation, and general anatomy is pretty bad here.

It was a nice idea, but it wasn't executed all that well, i'd give it a 2/5
Level 5
Jun 13, 2015
It is generally okay but would be better if the hammer was abit... more detailed(?). It looks quite plain in contrast with the armour. Not sure whether if it's just me or what.
Just some constructive feedback to you :D
EDIT: The head looks wonky when it is attacking, almost made me laugh