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Blood Elf Paladin "Rinassa Sunchaser"

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
"Burn in Holy Fire!" ~


...Wait wrong franchise.
Edited Maiev Model, made into a Mace wielding BE Paladin.

I firstly tried to make this as Liadrin and @vindorei made a more accurate one.
So I just gave my model a different hair and hair color. Now she's Rinassa Sunchaser renowned
Blood Elven Paladin.

I may update this based on feedback.
Also as seems everyone is doing/saying it. Give credits if used on maps. Thanks! :)

"CLERIC UPDATE" = New Custom Model Version​

"...still Rinassa, but in a different mood?"​

Rinassa Sunchaser's Cleric Path​


~Added Spell Effects and slight texture change.

*Bracket emphasising the change

Texture change to accompany ORM or TeamColor file better.

~Removal of old unnecessary versions.



*Bracket emphasising the change

-Resized Mace
-Changed Left Armpad and Kneepads
-Minor Texture Changes
-Custom FaceFX file thanks to @Ardenaso for teaching me how

Rinassa Sunchaser "Cleric Path" 1.03 (Model)

Rinassa Sunchaser "Cleric Path" 1.03 Portrait (Model)

Level 14
Jun 12, 2012
This model is so nice - especially the mace: it looks stylish as any blood elven thing should be.
But the shield, from the other hand... I don't know, elven race in Reforged and Hive has so much shield-wielding units. Maybe a scroll or a light-infused crystal would work? In the end, first Blood Knights were priests.
Level 2
Aug 23, 2017
Great model and the animations are nice as well!
I only miss an icon for her. There is no good icon in the editor or on Hive that could fit her face well enough. Blood elf archer icon is close thanks to the crystal at her forehead but the hood is missing and archers are base units in the blood elf race. If you update that the model will be 100% done and awesome!

One last thing:
I'm not sure why but when I start the Editor with this model used on an unit, start to move her around, she has an purple bleeding effect on her the first time i move her. It is a nitpick I know.
Iam currently busy with things and is ridden with sickness. I will return upon this once I am free. Thanks for the feedback.
Great model and the animations are nice as well!
I only miss an icon for her. There is no good icon in the editor or on Hive that could fit her face well enough. Blood elf archer icon is close thanks to the crystal at her forehead but the hood is missing and archers are base units in the blood elf race. If you update that the model will be 100% done and awesome!

One last thing:
I'm not sure why but when I start the Editor with this model used on an unit, start to move her around, she has an purple bleeding effect on her the first time i move her. It is a nitpick I know.