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Blazing Titan Land V1.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I might be starting this back up but as a passive project.

Blazing, Titan, Land, Rollplay, roll, play, RP, RPing, races

Blazing Titan Land V1.2 (Map)

17:16, 29th Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
Level 2
Feb 27, 2011
What yah mean, you mean build spider race?

Please Comment on my map if you DL it :D

Finished update 0.9 Part 2

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Level 4
Oct 20, 2010
I tested the map and it seems to work properly, and they way you told it to be.
I am pretty impressed with the races and item vendors. The only thing that misses is some original heroes from WC3, such as Cenarius, and then some tooltips wich show what is the character, who will be summoned.

Terrain, well let's say that for a normal RP, it's always good to start form a clean table, then later on destroy it rather than have it as destroyed, if you catch my point. You got lot of doodad workers, wich is really great. Although, you left some space in building section for each doodad builder.
And most of all, I might be guessing that people love spells. So, as a small tip, add an extra unit spell on each hero. And it would be really good, if it would be custom spell, but it does not have to.

So, basicly a normal Titan Land map, with more customization and building chances, good emount of races and heroes. I'd say that this definitly beats all the other Titan Lands. Although, I always liked the command, -End of the World, alot. If you want a chaotic feeling on the map, you should restore it.

I'll give 4.5/5 :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Jun 28, 2010
Please make a race selection dialog. This would make it possible to have no titan.

(unless their already is one, i haven't played and are just going on earlier comments)
Level 2
Feb 27, 2011
I'm back now.

I've dun alot and well i need help if anyone is on US West add Blazingz and i hope we meet because i need a good tester for a choice that will make a big difference.
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Level 7
Oct 30, 2010
some of the hero spells are useless.and also the pit lord got tool tips missing and how come some of unit bigger then normal unit.1 more remove the ice troll in msytic lodge.it useless
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
I tested your map, I really don't understand what kind of game are you making, is this an RP like game? and the player's role is a melee one? I tried and its kinda good at the moment, but there is one thing I don't like in your map, can you atleast remove the hostile/passive wisp? its kinda annoying when someone is the host of the map, the map is good really but it would be nice if you can decrease the difficulty of the game. as well as the cheat features.
Level 2
Feb 27, 2011
Orcnet i'm aiming for a map that can be good for rp or war and the hostile and passive wisp is good to delete heros with so they dont take space as for difficulty i guess i could prebuild the camps, as for this cheat features what do you mean??.

Tleno thnx for the heads up i'll remove and it will be free.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
the wisps are the cheat features I'm talking about, but since your doing this for an RP, well it suites me I guess, anyways, the Neutral Passive is useless, try removing it and for the hostile clicking wisp, it would be great if that ability would not affect buildings and heroes, only at units instead because its kinda annoying. and I don't like it.

the Lord of Cosmos and that Queen of souls [can't remember the names] it would be nice if you can decrease there difficulties and use them as a boss fight like state, instead of making them the security for the game to be organized or something
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Level 2
Feb 27, 2011
Hmm... its not useless becuause when making things hostile they attack everything but neutrals and hostiles :S also i'm nearly finished with update and again make a hero and i'll add i removed money because of Tleno thnx i rather be poor then sued lol.
Level 1
Mar 25, 2011

i really like this... hmmm r u metal warrior 2?? hmmm btw i look forwardto those races.. really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm if you will upload a new version of this plz notify me.... im a FANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD tnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in advance.. XDDDDDDDDDDDD