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Beta Testers Needed

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Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
Comrades, alas I've been absent for long, first for being busy, then for being a coward: after months I was ashamed of showing my face without an explaination, or something to be forgiven for.
Well, that something is a map, and it's also complete! In only a few weeks I created a simple strategy game, with only a few, riddiculus and leaking triggers, that anyway do their job fine.

Comrades, I need some valiant beta testers, disposable for at least 40 minutes of online gaming, possibly with me, in my map. I'm asking you because I know here I can find people who understand what's important in a custom map, who can spot bugs, and who won't steal the credit for at least the basic version.

Comrades, the map is very, very simple, it's basically a risk map, with a simmetric design, where you can upgrade the way you want the conquered bases, for more income, for spawning units, for defence.
The best part is the great number of unit types you can make (24, + 8 support casters). All of them should be balanced. Testers should point out if a unit type is overpowered, too cheap, or if there is any other unbalanced side of the game.
This map contains almost no custom abilities, so newbies won't be scared by difficult, unknown names.

Long live the Hive!
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