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BE model request

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Level 2
Feb 8, 2008
I have two reuests infact since I stink in the modelling apartment due to lack of good tools and knowledge.

The first request is for a Blood Mage, but i want him to have a skirt/robe like the statues of Kael'Thas which can be found in Silvermoon in WoW.

Something like that would be good. No need for any fancy texturing (just some guidelines so i know how far i can take the design work is all i need), just need the model basicly.

Second request is mutch easier, I think, it's for a spellbreaker modell without the face mask, would be nice if a hood could be added also. maby one version wearing armor and no hood and another with robes and hood.

Well i have so many ideas but no way to realise them by my own.

Plz take some time of and fix this for me, apreciate it if u do

:spell_breaker: "The Sin'dorei shall prevail"" :spell_breaker:
Level 6
May 3, 2007
Alright. You got the screenshot and basic information down. But you haven't said much about what you want to use these models for. I know there will be people here that would probably do the Spell Breaker thing no problem no questions ask. But the Kael skin/model people would probably want a reason for why you want it done. And since I still have this in my copy and paste here's a little thing from General_Frank for new comers >.> No I'm not obbsessed with the man, he makes great models and he is the person that comes to mind who does the introduction thingy on the request forums >.>
Welcome to the Hive ! !ntroduce yourself to the Hive
Level 2
Feb 8, 2008
well i need both the modells for my template map which will include both the High Elf and Blood Elf race(s) and since i think the original BM model looks kind of lame i wanna spice him up a bit, and for that i need help :S

The spellbreaker will also be a part of this map as a anti mage for the high elf armies.

more info on the actual map will come later, but I'm trying to make the ultimate helper map for anyone who want's to create any kind of map in WE and want more races to choose from than just the standard 4.
One thing i can say though is that the map will include many costume triggers for example a trigger which will randomise the selection of neutral heroes which can be bought from taverns among many other things
Level 2
Feb 8, 2008
Nudl9 >> baahhh it looks bad...I don't like it and it wont fit the theme of my map?

KenshinUesugi >> U are right he has but not a single BM model, unfortunently, still thx for tip.
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