In this game, there are 6 races, I will give a short description on each of them to help understanding(I use entirely too many periods) but first a little background
-Prologue: There was once a great war (I made this before but made a new one recently) there was 5 races, Humans, War Master, Undead, The Rebellion, and The Demons. After all 4 races had to all team up and fight against the powerful Demons, they succeeded only by luck, then signed a peace treaty to form as one until everyone was well equipped to fight again.. now its 5 years later, and the undead made a sudden attack and killed many heros. Now war has started again!
-Humans: Leodis is the king, and his son Leo, they must fight to have there country prosper well!
-War Master: He is the Master of War, and has kept it this way, proving himself in the battle with the demons, he slew the demon king himself and said that he was the War Master, now he wishes to rule all and take everything over!
-Undead: Nothing but the undead deserve to live...
-The Rebellion: Akama and his brothers survived, but in the peace treaty, he gained many allys, the gnolls and the centaurs now fight with him, side by side to bring true peace to this world!
-*NEW* Elves: Humans can't be trusted with anything, so the High Elves and the Night Elves have formed together as one force to fight for this land, the elves have a giant force and will not be taken out easy!
-*NEW* Dragons: These aincient beasts have stayed back for far to long, and decided its long enough, now they must fight to win!
Now, recently in the battle, somethings happened...
-Kael: His Father was slain in battle beside him, Kael is the son of the High Elf King, and his forces were pushed far back, now he will send death upon his foes!
-Dragons: The Dragons were droven back from the War Master, now they have equipped there men with new equipment, realizing there mistakes, wave 2!!
-Humans and Undead: The Humans and Undead had a huge clash in the center, thousands died, now they have regrouped in there castles, for one more huge attack!
-The Rebellion: They have stayed back after Akama's son was caught in the fight in the middle and killed with no mercy from the Undead King, now Akama has grouped a great force together, to attack them head on!
May 28th if there will be a hostathon, where Battle Of The Ages will be the main attraction to it, and also remember that on May 26th, thats when a beta testing will go on from 4;00 p.m to 8:00 p.m, also the map is almost done and it will work just fine very shortly, thank you one and all.
*UPDATE 1*: The cinematic for the intro is complete, now we shall soon work on triggers for the quests and edit the undead castle (people complained about the middle part being to small for battle) Also there is now a healing shrine in everyone's base, enjoy!
*UPDATE 2*: While I was a busy beta testing the map... many requests came to me, about remaking or possibly resizing the map, it took me a hella long time to make this, so lets just what happens through updates. Also, new updates!!
-Windwalk cooldown is higher
-Builders can be bought now (by popular demand)
-Seige weopens at last tier
-Beserkers are stronger (medium demand)
-Undead King Less powerful (popular demand)
-Healing shrines added (popular demand)
-More gold mines (popular demand)
updates soon to come will be....
-3 units bought a time instead of one (undead)
-quests will actually be important
-more items
-Make more mercs
-Possibly a new enemy....
Fun, War, battle, 6 player, large battles, FFA, alliences