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Level 3
May 31, 2005
Ive been having troubles with all my maps i make with custom units, iam getting stuck with the stats and such.
And iam asking here if someone could go through it with me?

Basicly the easy way too do it would be statistics,
I dont understand the WC3 battle system (or whateva you call it :p) as in if this unit has 5def and this unit has 6att he deals 1 (jus making it up cause i dont understand it!!)

Anyway if you understand what iam trying too say please can you help me?

PS: It be easy for me too understand if you rounded of numbers rather than loads of jumble ones or pre-made stats from WC£ :p
Level 22
May 11, 2004
well actually, armor increased def by 3% every 1 and decreased by something like .06% damage reduction every every armor point after that. With that formula, a unit with an armor of 3 will have like 8-9% damage reduction, but when you get to armor, say, in the hundreds, you sill still have a really hard time braking 90-95% damage reduction.

Overall unmodiefied warcraft 3 units, with the armor and HP upgrades, have more more defensive power then offensive....but thats hwere armor TYPES come in to balance things out. So a high HP and armor unit will always have some sort of weakeness (like how chimeras own knights/taurens and other heavy-hitting melee units because they use a magic attack against heavy armor, but can do hardly anything to small HP ranged units which pose them the biggest threat.
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