When was the last time you saw a intensely blue fog in a natural environment, complimenting a sky that makes it look like the sun is just on the verge of peeking over the horizon? Bottom line hint is: You're fog is unatural, and your sky/fog dynamics do not match. When having dark fog, you need to have a dark sky, and vice verca, unless you fool around with glow models to make it seem like dawn of dusk, in which case you would need a sun, or at the very least a shiny little hint of a sun on the horizon.
I'd also like to point out the fact that your water has the exact same colouring as the fog, making the background, the one behind the lake, seem like some sort of odd floating horizon, rather than a natural view of a backdrop. Apart from that, you also need to work with your landscaping skills, you should make the mountains in the background larger, have more layers of mountains, and they should have a more straight and connected line, rather than being oddly shaped bumps sticking up from the ground, savvy?
Now, about the foreground, I find it's near-total flattness to be frustrating, you should definetly work on making the ground seem more varied, in your case I would suggest having two high points on either side of the view, having a smooth slope downwards towards each other, forming somewhat of a mini-valley in the mid-view. I'd also work some more on that rocky fence thing on the left side, whereas the rocks simply look like their floating, rather than looking like a fence.
Also, never, EVER, have single trees scattered like you have here straight on the horizon, and definetly not in such a scale, you should work with your in-dept skills, and make the trees in the background significantly smaller, as to make everything seem more in proportion. And lastly, I want to point out that you should consider using a mix of models, rather than the B2M models exclusively, fool around with imports from other good maps, such as Refuge in Ruin, and Demons Heaven, or just some models that might fit together with the B2M ones from the UTM.
Anyways, I can see you have improved some since you last posted a terrain, and I have to say that I find that very intrigueing, keep up the work and listen to good advices