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[B]Looking for an rpg team[/B]

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Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Application - Tester!

Hmm sounds interesting :D

I am not skilled enough to be able to help you that much..

Although as I am good at/enjoy reviewing maps... Maybe I could be a tester please?

Hi my name is Lag_Reviews, you might have heard of me or you might not of. If you haven't heard of me then I am a map reviewer (someone who enjoys and likes to play maps and review/suggest stuff towards a map to help the creator.

I think I should get the tester position because:

  1. I have reviewed over 50+ maps and gotten a number of rep for reviewing maps.
  2. I enjoy reviewing and helping people with there maps wherever I can.
  3. I take my time and make sure everything in my reviews is 100% correct and the best I can do.

Hopefully my application to become a tester of your map is good enough,
Lag_Reviews :D

PS: I don't mind if you don't choose me, I'll still review your map when it is finished :D Also I would be much appreciative if you do make me a tester as the map sounds awesome.
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