Moderator: -Kobas-
Contact: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Date: 15-Jul-13 (14:48:59)
Contact: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Date: 15-Jul-13 (14:48:59)
Critical Errors:
Everything about your map has already been seen and was often better created.Your code isn't optimized well enough, MPI and/or MUI.
Useful Links:
The Important Site Rules.You can use Map Development Section for testing and improving your maps.
Need help with triggers/memory leaks? Make a thread in the Triggers & Scripts Section.
Got any World Editor related questions? Make a thread in the World Editor Help Zone Section
The Important Site Tutorials.
If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation.
Personal Comment:
We can't accept your map because you just slightly edited Blizzard map.Game modes, difficulties or some other things like new heroes, new way to upgrade towers and so on are required.
We want unique things.
Your triggers actions are mostly copy paste, in spawn trigger integer udg_a is useless just use udg_i.
Map Status: Rejected
(1/5) Unacceptable
(1/5) Unacceptable