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[Trigger] Autocasting spells without being attacked.

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Level 12
May 9, 2009
Hello, I am trying to create a few spells that heavily rely on autocasting. If you don't want to read the background skip to the second paragraph. The first spell is the following: a ward is placed which summons demons based on the sacrifices it receives. The sacrifices part is done by giving the ward an autocast raise dead spell which creates an invisible dummy which casts a mana regen spell which works only on wards and then expires. Once the ward reaches full mana it should automatically spawn a demon. I looked for tutorials on how to create auto-casted spells but most of them point towards a response to event like an attack and I find it useless if the unit needs to be attacked to start its autocasting. The second spell is similar but this time the totem heals your units instead of summoning a demon.

I really need help with triggering my units to auto-cast their spells which would usually be casted manually. Ranged spells need to be autocasted before the unit is attacked, preferably when the unit reaches casting distance to the enemy. Any help will be appreciated.
Level 13
Jul 16, 2012
:) Please dont double post.. use
if you forgot something


If you have Trigger please post it :)
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