autocast doesn't autocast

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Level 2
Apr 3, 2007

could somebody help me fix my autocast problem. I gave an autocast ability (exactly copy of an existing autocast abb since I thought first some of my changes messed up the spell) I added the Abb to a Unit and set it to be standartly activated in Object editor. Now I start the Game and the Unit has the Abb and the funny golden pixels running round the Icon but the Unit never starts to cast the abb even if there are enough units around which are possible Targets. Why?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Autocast arrows do not cast the ability and instead modify the hero's attack to apply the effect on attack.

Autocast abilities like heal, inner fire, blood lust, cures etc have an AI. The AI only ever casts them in a certain condition (usually combat nearby) or being attacked.

Make sure the ability can be cast on the required units. Also make sure the unit is in combat (as otherwise the AI will not cast some).
Level 2
Apr 3, 2007
Okay I'd used blood lust and inner fire so i guess the problem was that there was no combat at all.

@Dr Super Good: Is there a autocast ability that casts no matter if there is combat or missing health nearby?
Level 2
Apr 3, 2007
Could I find an overview which autocast ability is cast in which circumstances? It would be very useful to choose the right one for different new abilities.
There is no guide around, but I can tell you some:

• Heal: Fires when a nearby unit (including yourself, if "Self" is ticked in Targets Allowed") has its life value less than its maximum health (works with Unit - Set life too).

• Slow: Fires when you attack an enemy or when you get attacked.

• Inner Fire: Fires when a nearby unit is damaged (the shield won't be cast if the unit is not damaged in range of the ability's bearer).

• Curse: Fires when you get attacked.

• Spirit Touch and Replenish Mana (Undead) and Replenish Mana and Life (Night Elf) and Mana Regeneration (Neutral)/ Essence of Blight: Fires when nearby units have less mana than maximum and less life than maximum, respectively.

• Raise dead: Fires when nearby units start to decay.

• Web: Fires when you are attacking a flying unit.

• Fairie Fire: Fires when you are under attack.

• Renew: Fires when nearby units have lower life (works on structures by default, haven't checked normal units).

• Phase Shift: Fires when you get damaged (only you).

• Bloodlust: Fires when a friendly unit attacks.

• Kaboom: Fires when you are close enough (Data - Area of Effect) to an enemy unit, which causes instant death (hardcoded).

• Frost Armor: Fires when an allied unit in range gets attacked.
Level 2
Apr 3, 2007
Slow has an "always cast" option in my worldeditor inner fire didn't.
But finaly slow works fine, thanks for help.
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