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[Solved] Autocast blink

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Level 4
May 2, 2013
I almost managed to autocast every single ability from all units.

But, Blink is really different from the rest.

I want the stalker to activate blink, when he got highly damaged, to a point thats far away from enemy targets.

I found this answer on the Internet from DrSuperEvil (I don't know if this is the brother DrSuperGood of this site ^^):

A Buff behaviour with a damage response on defender that uses a Create Persistent effect which uses a Issue Order effect at an offset behind them.

Only these kinda answers would only be understood by proffesional programmers.

Someone can guide me trough this?

Can't this not simply done by adding some validators to the autocast??
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Ok this is not truly autocast, just an autonomic response from what I can tell.

He is suggesting the following.

Damage event from Buff Behaviour -> Offset from Create Persistent Effect -> Issue Order Effect.

This however has nothing to do with autocast by itself but will create your desired effect if the unit has the Buff Behaviour.

However, combine it with triggers and you can get what you want.

When you turn on Autocast for Blink, you give the unit the buff behaviour which does the Autocast Blink response. When you turn off Autocast you then remove this buff behaviour.

The Buff Behaviour damage response is used by units such as the Immortal for their Hardened Shield. It also allows you to fire an effect in response to taking the damage. In this case Evil proposed you use the Create Persistent effect.

The Create Persistent Effect allows you to get an offset from a point and run an effect at it. This is used by the Hellion Weapon to deal its piercing damage and by the High Templar's Psionic Storm ability for the periodic buff apply. He recommends you not using the periodic capabilities of the Effect and instead just using the offset capabilities to create an effect offset by 180 degrees from the damage source facing from the damaged unit. He proposes this be an Issue Order Effect.

The Issue Order Effect does what it says on the tin. It issues a unit with an order. In your case this order would be Blink and would cause the hero to Blink to the position calculated by the Create Persistent Effect.

Although not strictly using the autocast mechanics, it should look good enough to pass as being autocast.
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