Nice of you darky not telling us how..
Anyway, just as i read that i thought of a way of solvein it. At least in my case.. I have a lasercannon (i love killst4r
) and i want it to be able to shoot more powerfull blasts whenever it has mana. Cool huh!?
Well, i guess for me its just to use a little trigger:
translated into humantriggercode
[whenever "unit" attacks use "spell" on "unit being attacked".] If its out of mana.. it wont happen, but when the batteries are up .. Fire at will commander!
Sadly this wont help me if i have a few different sorts of laser (green, blue .. hehe, yo name it
) If there was an autocast attack (there isnt is there!?) i could have choosen what laser to use by rightclicking. Maybe ill ad something like [use the abillity that was used the last time] This way i will have to shoot with any of the superlasers once first in order to decide what to shoot.
Maybe out of thread here.. is there any easy way to give units (towers in this case) new abillitys? In my case one unit at a time. Lets say that i have this lasercannon. It canbe upgraded with blue, green and red laser. One way of solving it would be to have lots of different versions of the cannon. One for each and every possible combination. Now, that IS hard work. Maybe its easiest to have an upgrade for all towers of the kind..
Question nr 2 ..
When giving a hero an abillity (kinda like:lets have a shop where the hero can buy his or her abillitys) the abillity cannot be upgraded. IE flamestrike. If the hero has that abillity from start (like ehh.. the flamestrikerguy). But if i use a trigger ingame, i cannot get level two of it. How the heck do i solve this? :?:
-Crackbaby has left the building
(but can still be reached via email as soon anyone answers this