14:35, 4th Feb 2014
Kimbo: Rejected, no update and standard border icons.
Kimbo: Rejected, no update and standard border icons.
(4 ratings)
Attack type icon...Incorrect borders, missing disabled.
lel noob. Attack type icon...
lel noob. Attack type icon...
Useful icon and I agree that you need to put a BTN icon too. Also, try to make other icons replacing Pierce, Melee, Siege... it would be really great!
xD I only use 3 types of attacks on my map t.t (Hero, Chaos and Magic -spell damage-). I could try. Well with the "noob" thing yeah you re kind of right, still im just taking it with humor hahahaha
Calling people noob is not humorous to some of us. It's also used as a huge insult in the internet, so I say don't do that again.
Well, this word spead so much that it has become very common to me. And he didn't refer noob to anybody just to let you know in case you didn't.
Yes, please don't insult others even if its done in a minimal or joking manner, sometimes things can be taken the wrong way or it can be straight out insulting.
Also yeap. We require you to have a BTN/DISBTN.
"All Icons must have the original and standard borders to be approved."
Standard borders refers to BTN and DISBTN.