Attack Animation Dune Worm Request

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Level 5
Aug 15, 2007
I was just looking for a standard dune worm model bt with an attack animation, atm it just stands with no anmation dealing damage. The animation to me seems simple just a jumping animation , so the worm jumps at its target attacking them.
Any feedback would be great thanks
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
yeah. I agree. maybe a lunging motion for the attack. Basically, he could bite when he lunges. Or maybe an alternate attack or spell animation too. Just some ideas to better improve it. and anternate walks/runs too. slithering, or jumping out of the ground. or moving when burrowed (shown by a moving mound).
Level 5
Aug 15, 2007
really any animations to this model would be great as it cn now be used as an actual unit and not just a critter. The animation seems simple enough, cuming frm me nt that i know anythng about animation.
a lungeing animation would be semi complicated.. especially if u wanted it to look good. it moves forward, head arches forward face lunges, and then a retract from the lunge would either be a circle around or just a reverse of the above. Animateing Isnt Easy Work, as far as i can tell, but im rather new at it. I can make it lunge straight forward and back but it would look pretty lame? if ya still need it pm me.
Level 5
Aug 15, 2007
lol ive actually considered using that as a last resort if i get no other replies, bt this really isnt what im going for as this thing is huge and even if scaled down it just isnt what im looking for. Just the standard dune worm, with a simple attack animation like a little leap or lunge. it cant be that hard?:huh:
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