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attachment model help

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Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
I was working on making a new effect for the undead crypt lord that gave him mines on his body instead of spines. It would be used for a special hero i was working on. I tried the mdx trasnlater or whateevr form oinkerwinkles (the one that allows you to scale models and rotae them and such) and i simply wanted to make the mine slightly to the right/left with it pointing out at an angle. I also wanted to create multiple ones on his back and arms, but i don't know how.

Anyways, when i tried rotation it, it only somewhat rotated while some parts didn't translate properly. Perhaps someone can help me with this.

The whole point is i want it to look like the shell of the cript lord is riddled with small mines that point outwards in all directions. Perhaps someone can tell me how to use the free tools to achieve this.

Miantaining the animations also helps aswell.
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