attaching weapons

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Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
*still need help* attaching weapons

:emote_neutral: somethings not good... just i try to make an ability for model ORC (a half-naked orc with no weapons from hive) witch should have attachment points . Heres what i do

Art-Target                                  [B]{ (the sword i am trying to put on him model file... works when you try to put it to the map[/B]
Art- Target Attachment Point  1     [B]hand,left[/B]
Art- Target Attachments               [B]1[/B]
Then I put this ability on an item , but it doesn't work. I think the problem is with attachment point 1 name ... :bored: please help me!
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
How to: Attach a Model or an Effect to a Unit By Archian is very helpful.

If the target model itself has no attachment points then you would have to edit the model to add them.

Please introduce yourself to the Hive!
well thats were i learned how to do it. I wrote in Target attachment point 1 weapon , still doesn't work. The model has attachment points , because I saw other maps with that model using a weapon and I tried to do this with a peon...Doesn't work .... dunno... somethings not good with the spell , but i checked it many times with "How to : Attach a Model or an Effect to a unit " but everything should be fine ...
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