🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
This is a legendary time. The new war with the orcs is coming to an end. The armies of humans, elves, and the dead are literally swept away by the never-ending avalanche of green-skinned savages, destroying everything in their path. Even the split in the camp of the orcs could not stop the Horde. All orcs with "leftist" views, who advocated an end to the war, were either destroyed or fled and joined the rest of the races in the war for survival.
The remnants of the troops of Azeroth, like many years ago, having forgotten the previous quarrels, once again gathered at the roots of the World Tree to greet their doom or victory under its dense shadow. The battle drums and the furious cry of the savages are spread over the foothills, and the coming dawn is likely to be the last for many.
Soon legends and ballads will be laid about this day, but now every living creature has only to play its part in a merciless battle for survival. And new heroes bathe in the rivers of blood, deciding the fate of nations.
Now map is fully translated to english, relocated and tested on 1.29 W3 version. 15 years of development were not in vain for the game and it shows the "miracles of compatibility" with developments under 1.26.
Inspired by the battle scenes of the Warcraft movie and the last chapter of the default campaign.
It differs from the latter in that the development of players begins from scratch and much greater emphasis is placed on pumping heroes, purchasing artifacts, collective defense by heroes, etc.
- Four players confront two computer opponents who are constantly receiving reinforcements in the form of resources and troops.
- A huge variety of loot and artifacts in stores.
- A big plus to the survival of the separation of duties (one is responsible for the hero and gold, the rest for the army).
- There is no balance, but you hold on.
Это легендарное время. Новая война с орками подходит к концу. Армии людей, эльфов и мертвецов буквально сметены нескончаемой лавиной зелёнокожих дикарей, уничтожающих всё на своём пути. Даже раскол в стане орков не смог остановить Орду. Все орки с "левыми" взглядами, выступавшие за прекращение войны были либо уничтожены, либо бежали и примкнули к остальным расам в войне за выживание.
Остатки войск Азерота, как и много лет тому назад, позабыв прежние распри, вновь собрались у корней Мирового Древа, чтобы поприветствовать свою погибель или победу под его густой сенью. Вот уж по предгорьям разносятся боевые барабаны и яростный клич дикарей, и грядущий рассвет, вероятно, станет для многих последним.
Скоро об этом дне сложат предания и легенды, но сейчас каждой живой твари лишь предстоит сыграть свою роль в беспощадной битве за выживание. И новые герои омоются в реках крови, верша судьбы народов.
Карта вдохновлена батальными сценами фильма Варкрафт и последней главой дефолтной кампании.
От последней отличается тем, что здесь развитие игроков начинается "с нуля" и гораздо больший упор делается на прокачку героев, покупку артефактов и т.д.
- Четыре игрока противостоят двум компьютерным противникам, которым постоянно приходят подкрепления в виде ресурсов и войск.
- Огромное разнообразие лута и артефактов в магазинах.
- Большой плюс к выживаемости от разделения обязаностей (один отвечает за героя и голду, остальные за армию).
- Баланса нет, но вы держитесь.
П.С. Кооперация и взаимопомощь существенно облегчают жизнь.
Got it. Map created on 1.26 wc3, so if later versions do not support what is written on the old ones, then either I don’t understand something in this life, or the developers have crooked hands.
Ok, now I’ll update my game and upload map version on 1.29.
UPD: Say, if my efforts to update map not successful.
There's not much of difference for player options if they rely on their tech tree.
The Artifact Items are not balanced for Melee, some are overpowered for their price (that Mask of Death for example) and some are too expensive for their effect (like the Bladebane Armor), the number needs real tweaking.
I'm not really sure if Orc AI starts with a rather big amount of advantage, but they're pretty destructive and more than likely all players will struggle to hold the line at first base.
The fact that Orc bases are mine filled is more of hindering player progress than actually being a threat.
Mercenaries offer a limited option.
Technically, it's a melee where your enemy is pre-set and raised by 25 or 50% in handicap with some artifact access.
Why make the stone neutral at start and suddenly change to player (and on top of it, without notification)?
There's a lot of improvement needs to be done. AWAITING UPDATE
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