There are two solutions.
1. Cancel the birth animation when attacking so it sort of skips it. This is how the Raven deployed auto turrets work. Might be very ugly in this case.
2. Use a behaviour given to the unit when created that disables it from attacking. This behaviour lasts only as long as the birth animation. This will produce correct results as it forces a period of deterministic "no attacking" suitable for playing the birth animation even if the birth animation is never played (the player is not viewing the area). This likely produces the most correct results for such a model.
I made a buff.. Disable attack .. Stats --> Duration on 5 secs.. And it works!!! Thanks!! Great solution
Not entirely sure what is creating this. If it is an actor try adding an event for orphan (when the actor's host actor is destroyed) that destroys itself.
I'm not quit sure what everything means in the Actor events.. But some I think I know.. So excuse me when I don't fully understand everything that you will say ^^..
It's the Ash Worm Base Actor thats creating the Lava hole.. Only I just cant figure why it doesnt vanish.. I made 3 pictures of the actors which are connected by creating that lava hole, see attachment..
In the picture of the Ash Worm Base Death, u see an event that says, Unit Death Ash Worm --> Create.. Think that would destroy the lava hole right? Im not quit sure what its creating with this event ^^.. Just create.. Create what?? >,< And the other two events, I really dont know what they will do..
The other thing is, when the ash worm uses the ability burrow move, the lava hole is vanashing (burrowing back in the ground).. That seems nice, i guess thats the animation I want it to do when the ash worm dies..
I checked out what causes that.. The only thing I can think of is that signal.. In Actor of Ash Worm, is there a event that tells: Abil Ash Worm Burrow Move Start --> Signal Burrowing..
In the Actor of Ash Worm Base, there is an event called: Signal Burrowing -> AnimPlay Burrow.. I think that one causes the burrow of the lava hole.. I tried a few things, but nothing happened..
Any Ideas what should work??