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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Path Textures\Arthas.blp Arthas skin with hammer and book removed, armour redesigned and face/hair/skin tone reworked to resemble Soul Calibur's Nightmare. Made on request.

Arthas (Texture)

Whilst the rating will remain as Useful/Simple, I still want to re-look at this. We do have a lot of freehand which is really nice to see, however the quality is inconsistent, the armour looks good enough however there's a weird smudge on his head...
Level 1
Jan 15, 2004
The armor needs more details. I'd try to find a better pic of that guy in the upper right corner and c'n'p his armor onto the skins. I guess that would look pretty good.
Level 7
Jun 20, 2004
you still have soulblade thats sad why dont you jusat get yourself 20 bucks and buy soulcalibur 2
Level 3
Jul 14, 2004
i only have sc2 ... isnt that siegfried? and i wonder why siegfried and nightmare are having the same fighting style ...

anyway its a 4/5
Level 1
Jul 24, 2004
To mr.szing: They fight the same way because they ARE the same person. Siegfried is Nightmare before he got the Soul Edge. Edit: I know this because i own the first game in the series: Soul Blade.

Anyway, good likeness. I could get you a better shot of his 3rd costume's (what you based this on) armor, as I own the game...
Level 2
Jun 26, 2004
Nice, why don't you make all the weapons he has, especially the Gally Oar :idea: ! LOL! Nice Job, just make it a bit more detail on armor and make hair more blonde, not as yellow like Arthas... 4/5
Level 1
Aug 14, 2004
i like it i give it a 4/5. but im kinda new at this and i cant get the model to work in my map can somone help me??
Whilst the rating will remain as Useful/Simple, I still want to re-look at this. We do have a lot of freehand which is really nice to see, however the quality is inconsistent, the armour looks good enough however there's a weird smudge on his head. It's obviously supposed to look like the reference image, but it could also be used as a generic knight, hence I think the current U/S rating is pretty justified. With some more freehand improvements it could easily be recommended.