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Archimonde Supreme

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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
What do you guys think...about ME?
I don't know what to think about myself anymore. I can't think of anything positive about myself. I don't even wanna look in the mirror anymore.

So basicly give your honest opinion about me. If you hate me say so. If you think I'm so handsome I'm causing your realasionship to break,say so. Speak only the truth.don't hold back


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
You love attention.

Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
1 goodbye thread. I'm not a social person

Yip yip

Blame my family and everybody around me for that. I agree aswell

@Darko and Rex. Thanks for taking this serious.
It looks like the senior members only want to bang my head against a wall and not give a shit about what I post

@zaramorus. Are you being serious?
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
T'is a drama llama, quite indeed so, but his attention seeking attitude seems to be a little faux. I wouldn't call you a bro, ohh no, I do think you need to check up on the things you do, though. Cause you're continuously distracting, getting infract-ings, and wherever your acting is getting some smacking, you turn it back and make it your own whacking, and it's blasphemy, what you're asking me, you have quite the audacity, yes it's a tragedy what your family, put you through, ohh so callously, yet you lazily ask strangers to offer opinions on your morality, what's your strategy? I thankfully, have a chain on my sanity, unlike you, whose has broken through to insanity, still you question your own mortality by trying to think about taking your own life, ohh where is this strife? Don't stab thouself with a knife, you won't reach the afterlife, I swear that, but you should truely listen to these rhymes I've spat, but I am no aristocrat nor a diplomat, well then why should I be listened to? I shouldn't be, really, you should know that too. There is nothing in life that you can redo, but if you must review what others think of you, you should believe in what you think is true, not what others think they can do, nor what others pursue, this is as simple as blue cheese stew, try to better yourself and start anew, t'is a holiday night, and with these last rhymes, I commit no crimes, but I bid you, adieu..

No Tl;dr's will be provided.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
I'm not trying to "bang your head against a wall", you asked for an honest opinion, I just gave one. Life sucks for me too, don't act like you're the only one in deep shit bro.
I'm gonna pass up the posts above.

It looks like the senior members only want to bang my head against a wall and not give a shit about what I post
I think you're delusional right now.
Honestly, really really honestly seeing these kinds of threads and posts make me wanna tear out my eyes and throw them to my cat.

Quit this non sense and man up boy.

You're only bringing mistrust on you by making these stupid silly threads.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
This made me laugh even though it was ment as a insult. Reminds me of this sorry bastard on tv. Wait...am I becoming a sorry basterd?
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
to be honest, I dont really think anything, you made 341 posts and I barely remember any of them, most likely because I havent seen many of them, and dont feel like I ignore you, but you most likely post into sections that I dont really venture into. And I wont rate people by their name and/or user title and/or avatar only. So yeah, and what to think about yourself? Well that is up to you my friend
But they provoked me that made me think these thoughts causing me to post things like that

As I was saying above. Not gonna bother anymore, you keep ignoring what I'm actually saying.

Anyone who wants this moved to SE? You can't take it serious when he's making these threads and not admit that he has wrong impressions.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006

Threads about specific people

Any posted thread needs to be of some relevance to others reading it. We do not allow posting of threads revolving around the happenings of single persons.
Sorry. This sort of stuff is reserved for the chat room.

If somebody desperately wants it opened and moved to SE, contact me and I'll see if something can be arranged.
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