Earth-Fury: not bad from a balance perspective. some of the creep camps are too strong, and a few too many gold mines. From a terraining perspective, not so good at all. But not horrid, by any means. approved.
16:38, 15th May 2009, by Rui:
An overall decent, yet somewhat boring melee map. Drops need fixing, neutral buildings could have better placement... check comments #2, #3 and #4 for more details.
Set to Reviewed status with a 2/5 (Lacking).
EDIT: Added the map to the Medieval/Warcraft category.
16:38, 15th May 2009, by Rui:
An overall decent, yet somewhat boring melee map. Drops need fixing, neutral buildings could have better placement... check comments #2, #3 and #4 for more details.
Set to Reviewed status with a 2/5 (Lacking).
EDIT: Added the map to the Medieval/Warcraft category.