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[Spell] Anyway to make this Multi-Instance? (Modifying WC3 spell data via trigger)

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Level 5
Feb 13, 2019
So I stumbled upon a neat little trick but I feel like since this is straight up changing the abilities damage to the unit's INT amount if two players were to cast this at the same time we could run into an issue.

  • Scale Firebolt test
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Firebolt
    • Actions
      • Ability - Set Ability: (Unit: (Triggering unit)'s Ability with Ability Code: Firebolt )'s Real Level Field: Damage ('Htb1') of Level: 0 to (5.00 + ((Real((Unit: (Triggering unit)'s Integer Field: Intelligence ('uinc')))) + 0.00))
Is there a work around or should I just say fuckit all and just use/make custom spells?
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
Since this is an instant effect (there is no waits or timers in the trigger) it won't be a problem. You might want to change event to "starts effect of an ability" to prevent cast/cancel abuse.

If you would like to deal damage at the exact moment firebolt hits, thats a different story.
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Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
There's no workaround needed. That ability field change is only for the specific instance of that ability on that specific unit. It doesn't affect other instances of the spell on other units.
You might want to change event to "starts effect of an ability" to prevent cast/cancel abuse.
There's nothing to abuse here. It's just setting a field that would ultimately be set when the spell is cast anyway so spamming cancel doesn't actually do anything.
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
Sorry, my mind just didn't register those new object editor natives exist. I thought trigger was dealing damage.
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