-where did they have portals from?
-get their hands on Lordaeron with only 4 Crypt Fiends?
chapter 1:
-the region will belong to the Lich King or to Anub'arak ("will be mine")
-the forces engaged the Bandits during the cinematic scene; also Anub'arak was selected
-well, if Kel'thuzad was still there, what was Anub'arak supposed to capture?
-battles are so unreal, four Banshees fighting Kel'thuzad and 4 Necromancers; Sylvanas didn't even come to shoot one strike
-the text in the Quest Log needs to start one line below since it's seen on the yellow upper border of the quest box
-why would there be a pile of bodies in the middle of the road?
-units don't require any food slots, the enemy doesn't send troops to attack the player's base...
-Ghouls cost the same as a Crypt Fiend
-everything is monetized in wood
-the enemy are sitting ducks, Sylvanas an invisible coward
chapter 2:
-one Troll stole all their loot!? Very funny... It's because you didn't save the heroes in a game cache, I guess...
-black mask is not enabled, same for the previous level and probably for the rest too
-killing the troll boss will start a cinematic scene where the heroes and the remaining Trolls will still engage; suddenly the village was set on fire
-this troll village also has Gnoll Huts
-better use Death and Decay instead of those stupid suddenly appeared Ghouls to make way through the trees
-as the previous level, kill units on the map...
-why is there no way to turn back once in the cave?
-why would only Kel'thuzad know of this power and why would it be able to destroy Varimathras?
-why send the shapeshifter later; it's bad mana economy to open up portals too often
chapter 3:
-how would the shapeshifter know how to look like Varimathras? Did it at least seem him once in its life?
-Gnolls are stupid to believe anything that an undead would say to let them pass; It also seems everyone talks the same language and can understand each other very well...
-Granite Golems will attack if enemy flying units are attacked near their site
-Ziggurats cost gold...
-the enemy just spawns units, doesn't really have an AI
-"Please let me live!" "OK!" Then, "Sylvanas you jelly cuz now we have Varimathras"
-how did she put a bomb inside of the dreadlord!?
chapter 4:
-chapters do not have corresponding numbers..
chapter 5:
-some interludes are considered/name chapters...
-Kel'thuzad knows Sylvanas better than 'arak. Well, guess Arthas didn't care much about the big arachnid
-seems they can teleport wherever they want to; why did Anub go alone!?
-is this a joke? "Sylvanas was here" smoke put on the ground
-Anub'arak's brother? Really? Not even undead, not even a hero glow (at least it has that aura); where/how did he get there (from)?
-the elves still living there scene is totally useless and stupid; no elves could live in the middle of undead regions on a single patch of grass near a cemetery
-the grass was blighted but the flowers remained
-seriously? Sekeletons train at target practice?
-the cinematic fires do not deal any damage
-his name is Bolgeath... right and that's why clicking on him says Kath'ranis
-what!? Undead is not reversible; moreover, how did she do it?
chapter 6:
-Ziggurats and their upgrades cannot be restored because lumber is required...
-the nicest level until now
-the undead on the far left pretty much win by themselves
chapter 7:
-wooow, really? So Sylvanas could only one shot the other bug but not Anub'arak too? She shot 'rak in the previous level so many times
-why lock camera...
-night elf elite archers suddenly there (not to mention what they said)? Can this be ever stupider?
Lazy, lazy, lazy.