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Antlr4 Help: Algebraic Expressions

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So, currently I'm working on exercise 2 in the Antlr4 book, and I have built a 5 operation calculator that works with doubles.

It's able to parse things like this and give the results

a = 2 3(3+3)(3)a
b = 4(2^3*2)

Now, what I currently can't do is stuff like this

//where a has no value
3a + 4a //should output 7a, but will output 0 as a is assumed to be 0

Any suggestions? Right now I'm just using a Visitor. Will I need to change over to a Listener?

Should the Visitor instead return expressions?

Thanks =)
Well I don't know of Antlr4 but I've worked a lot with parsers and lexers.

Normaly after you've made your syntactic tree and passed it by the semantic analyser. You should build a symbol table with your identifiers and (in this case) a program flow variable which stores results as they are calculated. Later in your interpreter, if you get into a syntactic treee and you find (Exp Ident + Expt Ident) you should say it returns (Exp + Exp) Ident and keep it stored in your program flow variable.
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