Anime Battle

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is all about fighting with anime characters against each other.
- playable heros:
Naruto, Sasuke, Goku, Vegeta, Hao, Yoh, Yugi, Kaiba, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Allen, Ichigo, Gon, Killua
- two boss levels
- two secret levels
- collectable exodia parts
- upgradeable towers and units
- duels every 5 minutes
- ultimate items
- lots of custom models (thanks to all creators of the models, credits also inside the map)
- lots of custom icons
- ...

I hope you have fun playing the map though it is still beta. I will keep this map updated as much as possible but i will not release unplayable versions (like ultra imbalanced or unfinished).

Naruto, Sasuke, Goku, Vegeta, Hao, Yoh, Yugi, Kaiba, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Allen, Ichigo, Gon, Killua, Anime, Battle, Anime Battle, Custom Icons, Cus

Anime Battle (Map)

20:10, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 5
Aug 19, 2007
Inuyasha's ulti is a little too strong and unstoppable except by using the divine shield. People with avatar based abilities end up losing their dmg and going to 0-0 if they die in form.
Level 4
Jun 28, 2006
well as you might have noticed, it is very difficult to balance everything. But i cant test it too often to find out whats too strong and whats too weak. So i thank you for reporting those things (like inuyashas ultimate) to me so i can rebalance it.
Of course you cann kill the creeps one shot if you dont upgrade defense. Also other heros can kill the creeps one shot.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Okay rating is 4/5...

+ fun/enjoyable.
+ great first version of the map only a few problems.
+ no life steal making it more fun/tome based
+ Exodia is hard to get and idk if its that strong yet.
+ Though few Great heroes maybe a secret charc? idk
+ not to intense of a game can kinda relax and enjoy yourself while having fun.

- Ichigos bankai is a bit hmm op?
- vegeta/goku's SS adds a bit too much dmg/stats at such a low lvl
- Kiaba/Yugi are monster based 0 use for the heroes other than leveling them to 6 and base camping while you buff your last summon.
- Heroes will drop to 0-0 dmg but will shoot back up after using the form once again.
- People complain about inyu's ultimate I recommend highering the cd.
- People complain about Sesho's ultimate I recommend highering the cd.

Great map and hopefully you keep updating
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Also, Just found out when using the guy who can summon the fire elemental, When you use his oversoul ability on the fire elemental !BOOM! crash lol.

More Bugs, Goku can't go ss later in game, I also think you should make goku's ulti stronger for such a long cast time.

Naruto: Frog's start with 0 mana meaning can't cast their spells *fix* Kage bunshin's do absolutely 0 dmg so useless spell.

ALL cds on ultis need to be upped IMO.
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Level 4
Jun 28, 2006
No, this map is not dead.
I'm just too busy at the moment to fix things like kaiba/yugi because this needs a lot of time.
The version I'm currently working on is not as playable as the one available here. So please be patient. There will be an update when the time has come.
Level 15
Aug 14, 2007
This map really has the attraction aura, because of the various anime avaliable! I hope it doesn't disappoint from the looks of it. I will test it out soon!

EDIT: Played and find that it was ok, I was sad about the duel bug when you play single player, please fix that asap so I can try the ultimates =\
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