Learn: Shakes the ground provoking birds in effected trees to attack enemies in the target area for disturbing their nests. Levels increase duration damage and Birds per tree. Level 1: 5 seconds, 20 damage, 2 Birds per tree
Level 2: 7 seconds, 30 damage, 3 Birds per tree
Level 3: 9 seconds, 40 damage, 4 Birds per tree
Level 1: Shakes the ground provoking birds in effected trees to attack enemies in the target area for disturbing their nests, each bird lasts 5 seconds and deals 20 damage per peck. 2 Birds per tree.
Level 2: Shakes the ground provoking birds in effected trees to attack enemies in the target area for disturbing their nests, each bird lasts 7 seconds and deals 30 damage per peck. 3 Birds per tree.
Level 3: Shakes the ground provoking birds in effected trees to attack enemies in the target area for disturbing their nests, each bird lasts 9 seconds and deals 40 damage per peck. 4 Birds per tree.