An Insect's RPG (Needs beta testers)

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Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
I'm currently working on a RPG that would take place in the warcraft world but at a slightly different scale,
the insects !

I just released the Beta 1.5 wich is probably the last one about the first chapter. all the heroes are not ready yet but the chapter is done. Pick EASY MODE !

you can find the map here :

Attached : A document to help the beta testers, it's not very long but it regroups the essentials for when you test the map.
You don't have to answer every point, this is just to help you. I would gladly receive any comment about the game even tho it is not on the list :)

Thank you ! (+ rep of course :)


  • Beta test.txt
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Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
Here is the map, Thanks for all the potential tester(s)

I really need a 2 players feedback !
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Interesting idea to make a "downscaled" RPG. But the execution in terms of terrain is lacking. Those are insects. Plants, mushrooms and any environmental props should be huge. Get high-res models from the hive (with good quality textures) and re-scale them at least 7-9 times the size of the insects. If not more. And remove the shrubs and mushrooms (except if the mushrooms are giant). They destroy the visual effect you are trying to create.

Maybe request a highress blade of grass, such as roots and flowers with lots of polys from a modeller?

Something to achieve this kind of look:
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Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
Interesting idea to make a "downscaled" RPG. But the execution in terms of terrain is lacking. Those are insects. Plants, mushrooms and any environmental props should be huge. Get high-res models from the hive (with good quality textures) and re-scale them at least 7-9 times the size of the insects. If not more. And remove the shrubs and mushrooms (except if the mushrooms are giant). They destroy the visual effect you are trying to create.

Maybe request a highress blade of grass, such as roots and flowers with lots of polys from a modeller?

Something to achieve this kind of look:

Yeah I get what you're saying but it's actually very hard to find enough high res models to fill a map this size without having always the same envirronment design.
I was actually thinking of something like that but the wc3 map editor and my skills aren't really matching this kind of result. plus it's some kind of donjon not an open land ...
Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
But of course if a modeler feels like creating some nice vegetation I would gladly use it in my map !




I am glad that I am Beta-Tester of this map. It is a map with high potential!
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008

So I tested your map, it really needs some polishing. Here are some major points that need a fix for Beta. Of course music doesn't really fit, you can get some neat tracks all around youtube to use, also some text typos, but it is okay for a Beta. As for terrain, if you wish to, I could rip some HQ flower models from WoW for you. :)

1. Options doesn't have hot-keys, to be specific, hero selection and learning abilities and some active abilities.
2. Custom icons doesn't have DISBTN files, when menu appears, icons turns green.
3. Some models doesn't have portraits.
4. Tooltips of items and abilities could be written in a better way. You seem to want these tooltips to be short, but formal english text would do much better, check WoW descriptions for example, these are well written in a formal form. For example Mp could be replaced into mana points, that is more formal and good looking. Also for abilities use |n for each effect to separare it from a whole paragraph, this makes it easier to read and follow its effects.
5. Sluggy has footman voice, that is confusing, hehe. Also a very small selection scale compared to its size and an icon of footman.
6. First cinematic took too long, I had to wait for a decent amount of time before I could start helping an attacked insect. As for the speechless dialogues, you can use some random slimy sounds found around warcraft MPQ, you can also get some insect sounds from the internet.
7. You haven't changed the icons for gold and lumber for the requirements to purchase certain items / upgrades.
8. Mutations functions has selections that are written in french.
9. Scout's items are in green due to absence of DISBTN for BTN icons.
10. Engineer Ant spoke with floating text instead of transmissions even though cinematic mode was on.
11. I couldn't attack eggs for a while, later on I was able to, don't know why.
12. For rocks to collapse you could set those workers and force them play some attack animation, it would look like they chop the rock down.
13. For some units I need to order my hero to attack or else it just stands still and watch enemies attacking him.
14. Killing slave beetle was not marked on the quest log, I suppose it was a quest. You should use Quest Requirement function to set those separate goals for one single quest.
15. After entering the cave I noticed the black edge of the map, it is really ugly and you should avoid showing that.
16. You should make those material items that needs a click to consume auto-consuming, because when inventory is full, I need to drop an item to pick that up, click and take that item again.
17. Terrain is simple and warcraftish, but the one odd thing is that everywhere is dirt, no grass, unless you meant it to be like that and doodads represent grass. Just a thought.
18. BOSS Lusko was very simple boss fight, it just stood and attacked, I just had to wait until it gets chopped down by my auto attacks, since it was also immune to magic.

Overally a great concept and idea. I really like this insect idea, really fresh and cool. Also great quests, you can think of many cool quests in the frames of insects, I love it. However it really looks like Sunken City, just in the theme of insects. Nonetheless, great idea, it just needs the mechanical polishing. What concerns models, as I said, I could rip you some HQ flowers / grass from WoW. You are helping with my project, so I could help with yours. :)
Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
That's what I call a feedback. I must agree with all what you said, thanks for the tip on your 4th point. I didn't know this ! I was spamming "space bar" until it goes to the second line, you saved my life ^^

if you can send me some models it would be great ! Not now tho I will polish the mechanics before the sounds and art. And yes it's very "sunken city" like I think it's meant to be like that, I just love this map I just wanted to create a new map for people to enjoy another environment for this kind of gameplay.

And no worries, I rather help creating two good maps than just being alone creating a single garbage map x)




Following Zwiebelchen's suggestions, I asked Molaf whether I can modify terraine. The attached file contains such.
It is intended to be passed to the map creator, Molaf.
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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008

So here is another test for v1.2. Sorry if points may repeat from previous test. :) So these are the points that also could be improved, mostly it is just minor and technical stuff.

1. UI is not complete. When game starts and nothing is selected you can see inventory hidden by Night Elf UI texture and not imported one.
2. When mode is selected, I am left hanging on the black of terrain. You should pan your camera to a Weird Egg once mode is selected.
3. A Weird Egg hero selection has no hotkey notices.
4. Missing DISBTN for custom icons, for example, hero icons and basically all spell abilities' icons.
5. I poicked Spore Master and it has a voice of a Paladin. Insect with a voice of human is very odd, hehe.
6. Oh and spore master is all abilities of a Paladin. Is this unfinished? So I picked other hero.
7. Scorpal hero has kind of badly set camera angle, it can be fixed very easily with Model Editor.
8. Hero attribute icons has a wrong icon borders, it should be traditional yellow borders with smaller icon. It can be fixed easily with Button Manager program found on Hive's Tools for download section. So any icon can be fixed.
9. Passive abilities should have PAS icons and not BTN, because now it looks really active.
10. Scorpal hero sounds like stone or rock. You could use scorpion voice though. Persoanlly what I like is not to use any sound for unit at all, because constant clicking leads to constant annoying sounds.
11. As for terrain, I sent you a decent amount of HQ doodads, you should completely remake entire terrain using only those and getting rid of ugly and blurry standard warcraft's models. Just a suggestion though, because adding few here and there does no good, because in result everything is still ruined by the uglyness of standard warcraft 3 models. Of course can keep those of better quality, mostly other imported material. You can also look for custom ground tiles to replace current blurry dirt texture.
12. It is kind of annoying to constantly run for a flower to heal. How about if you detect if there are no nearby enemies and after some time add some generation ability to regenerate full, of course constantly check for enemies and take it away once in combat. Or just set stats to full when some time passes when not in combat, it would save time for player.
13. Gatherer Mirkz has very small selection scale compared to its size.
14. What I would suggest, you don't need cinematic mode ON for every conversation, because these are short, just drop a transmission, also mark a trigger action to make the text visible. If cinematic involves some action then surely cinematic mode is a must, but if just talking, I don't think so. For example, if boss is talking, you can just pause him and add invulnarability during the talk, then unpause and remove invulnerability to start the fight.
15. The B.A.C. quest completetion for me ended like cinematic was on, a guy was talking, but also floating text appeared of other talking. Maybe because I killed the boss firstly.
Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
Beta 1.3 uploaded.

Mostly environnement has been improved. and the icons and UI in general.
Level 6
May 20, 2014
Played for a while. It's not bad, there are tons of mistakes especially spelling and such, I wrote down notes on my way of testing. Terrain looks fantastic, though doodads and objects can be made bigger to indicate the depth of how really tiny you are. Also a path feels too weird in this way for a rpg, normally you kinda want it be open world because realistically it would make sense.

Nonetheless, here are my notes. It's a mix of how I feel about the game, what I feel that can be improved, and then bugs/errors.
I only played once, picking Magma Ant and starting my progress there.

Bugs (pardon the pun)
- Magma Ant, Flesh Digger, Scorpal, Creepy Bug, and Spore Master has no disabled icons; actually, a lot of disabled icons are missing, especially items
- When I'm playing Magma Ant and when I attack, a worker icon shows up indicating a dummy
- When I went back to the healing pollen as mobs chased, Scout Ka moved (he should not, as he should be in position and invulnerable), actually ended up getting him to tank mobs apparently
- Even with Scout Ka moving, going back to his original position and I was still about to continue the progress but he's not there
- Mana bar is virtually non-existent in the hero icon at the top-left corner
- Dragonfly has the rank icon of a Naga Siren
- Red Ant Scout has upgrades based on Night Elf - remove that? Same for Warrior ent 2, they have the same upgrade for their weapon, and armor too
- When you revive Sluggy, the floating text 'Blup!' does not fade or go away, and he is weak, why does he even cost 8 materials to begin with
- Boiling Acid shows the wrong buff/icon
- After finding the two workers and getting past the rock wall, I was fighting a pack and had to run away since I was low, managed to get them kill the quest guy that was near the rock wall O_O

Cosmetics/Quality of Life
- Starting Items, button texts could look cleaner (no intelligence or mana regen choice, unless intentional)
- Show hero levels and hotkeys in the hero learning abilities, also use QWER instead as some hotkeys (Magma Ant has a spell that uses the same hotkey as Attack)
- Health bar is really hard to see when you or enemies have low health
- Healing polen (should be Healing Pollen) regenerates way too slow
- I can't understand the hero attributes, they're in french apparently
- Maybe more healing pollens up the way?
- Leveling really feels too slow
- Whenever you revive, you should always revive with 100% mana, restores only like 80 mana
- Make the hero regenerate his health/mana rapidly whenever he's out of combat, going back to healing pollens is annoying
- Show the tooltip also on Heat Balance's deactivation tooltip
- Enemy healing is a bit ridiculous, it can negate your attacks/spells completely for several seconds and makes surviving hard
- Some cinematics are completely unnecessary :S

I liked the the part where the black ant tells the other ant to not bother me, he goes "Alright, alright"

Good luck on your project :)
Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
Thank you for your feedback, I will try to translate every part that is in French but as my editor is in french as well it's no easy task ^^

You are right about the black ants I really have to make them invulnerables. I will also delete some cinematics.

Anyways lot of work ! Thank you !
Level 6
Oct 31, 2014
According to the blizzard standards it was already single player after I designed the first chapter ;)
It will be possible to play on garena with two players anyways so I won't limit myself.

Btw I'm looking for a 3D artist who could be able to create a very simple hero model for me. I can send the drawings.
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