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AMHS Script Errors

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Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
OK, I have installed JASS NewGEN, ran the NewGEN WE, and tried compileing everything again...

I still have 469 compile errors!

Is it possible that this new jass is conflicting with the previously added JASS in my map?

When I do a syntax check on the AMHS, it gives me an error for almost every line...starting with the 7th line of the "required functions" trigger which is reporting 4 errors:
library AMHSRequired
^1 syntax error and 3 statement out of function errors^
Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
Where do I find these options?

Edit: Never mind, I just noticed that JASSnewgen has added a bunch of menu items to WE...

Second Edit: Well, I am not getting errors anymore, but I do not think the system is working wither...

The system's readme says that if you use the "iseedeadpeople" cheat, that the map sould crash in 3 seconds, but it is not.
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Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Maybe you did not implement the system correctly? Check that all constant values have been set properly. Not everything can just be copyed and pasted without some modifications. Thats why people use constants, so you can easily modify it to work for your map.
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