You certainly fail to understand the concept of map making.
My suggestion is - quit as soon as possible before you do something rather stupid.
The simple fact that you cannot accept criticism as it is on this very moment will be critical when (if you ever) start making a map.
The editor is all about jumping over limitations.. Shit, it ain't nothing like it.
As to that you accept every less offendable post as a fail, I'm certain that you'll start to curse every second
user that attempts to show you the flaws into your very own map.
If you are not ready for this, you'd better not get into it.
Really xD
If you simply would have given a constructive answer I wouldn't have to answer to you in the correct way.
What you had posted was simply an adolescent phrase.
You simply have no need to answer it. I'll ignore it anyway.
Just the fact THAT you wrote it says that you aren't smart enough to get the problem with it. And you won't get the missing intellect to get the right mind just in a few days.
The idea was more like creating concepts that do not get in conflict with the engine.
I understood it that way^^
Do you really need to display 100 fading text tags on the screen? I mean that rapidly volatile tags that would not spawn beneath the local player's camera do not really have to be created, do they?
Cause it has to be a multiplayer game where it's possible to deal splash damage and give damage-over-time spells or heal-over-time spells. Because of that it's really common that the maximum floating text limit will be hit very often. And the floating text limit will still be fixed on a hundred floating texts, doesn't matter if it's local spawned or not -.-
I wrote some threads about this problem in the past in a few mapping-forums.
? Storing the values in triggers beforehand - or what do you mean?
e.g. the tooltip of the ability Blizzard. You can write that it will deal "X damage" or will deal "X damage + X% of the attack damage". But cause the tooltips will be set in the loading screen you aren't able to change the values in the tooltip with triggers while the match has started. That's a very big problem for me. And I haven't found a successful solution.
Maybe reordering, ordering in groups or customizing movement.
Sounds interesting. But what correctly would happen? Do you mean that all units groups are ordered to move "that way"(array) every X seconds?
Which do you have in mind? There are those but it's not like you could so easily kill your pc with them.
At the moment I can't remember, I just remembered that they exist and it annoyed me a bit^^
Just planned a lot for the map a longer time and weren't focussed on mapping itself anymore while searching for solutions for the other problems.
It most-likely won't be the timers consuming too much performance but the actions they trigger. But yeah, you can merge timers to have less running or you scatter them on different time outs to spread the stress.
There was a(n)...
- Health Point Regeneration System
- Mana Regeneration System
- Knockback System (not Pushback)
- Movement Speed System
- DoT System
- HoT System
- Buff System
- Debuff System
- Chain System
...and some other's like this there were a little bit smaller important. The Health Point and Mana Regeneration Systems where activated as long as every hero had not the maximum point pool.
The Knockback System worked as knockback, jump (or something like this) and special effect helper (e.g. to let frozen shards do a circle going close to the other's and smashing after all to the ground), and so on. So the rest was just enabled if something happened with them actually and instantly are turned off. I played my map with many testers and the connectivity broke cause of the many systems that where needed for the gameplay style of my map. Maybe it was bad coding, I don't know. But I really can't imagine that it was that issue, cause I wrote them as small as possible and as efficient as possible (I've read many existing systems, threads and tutorials).
But I think an ability
that knockes enemies in all correct directions dependet on the position of the knocked unit to the caster, that will also increase the movement speed and the life regeneration of the caster for a time that depends on the strenght of the hero, a ((agility / 1.43) + armor * 1.(enemy debuff reduction percentage))% slow for each hit enemy with a duration of ((agility / 14) * 1.(enemy debuff reduction percentage)) seconds, will do many operations at a very little moment.
You only need to get the idea how to display them. In my map, you receive information in a multiboard when you select a unit.
I know that, but the multiboard is needed for displaying the team stats.
Else it would have been a nice solution.
And to do it through the chat is a very, very ugly method. And you can't create so much passive abilities to let the stats displayed this way (even cause of the fact that there are many decimals). In addition, this is a very, very ugly method, too xD
Well, then you should not build maps for existing games and rather program your own game. Even then, you are restricted by the computer's limitations and the operating system. You may do them as well. However, what about the power supply and basic laws of nature? Maybe connect the player's brain and neurals to your system in order to determine one's perception.
That's still a nice idea I'm thinking about. But it also can be solved a MUCH easier way with having the time to implement all entertaining and needed parts. I don't want to determine the perception of the players. And I'm not able to counter your "Maybe connect the player's brain and neurals to your system in order to determine one's perception." Everything I would answer would sound like an offense, cause it has been written as an offense. I have no need for this. gorillabull and MortAr where enough waste of my lifetime.
I'm searching for a solution of a problem and not for a reason to, as we both are able to say it in german, "den Kopf von jemandem zu waschen" (sorry, but I imagine find the right translation for it). Just like everyone else in this forum I want to HELP others and get HELP from others when it's needed.
You can be sure that I tried MANY ideas and techniques to solve every problem on my own or with the help of some existing threads or tutorials.