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Alterac Battle 0.89c

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: fostaa


Created by youkaiz

Map Info

It is to be like "Alterac Valley Battleground of WoW", with a help from Warcraft3 Heros to finish the battle.
Creeps are like "WoW Players" and Wc3 Heros are hired mercenaries helping.

Every 30 seconds all dead creeps are revived on your base(like WoW Bgs), but when a creep dies your faction lost reinforcement, if your lost all reinforcements you lose.
If you take mine your faction will gain reinforcements(and extra gold) over time(Help on long battles).
If you kill oposite team captain, your creeps gain a permanent buff.

It have tons of creeps casting spells at same time, is a pretty eye cand,but this makes some old computers slow.
If your video card handle it you can use -cam 25 or -cam 30 to see all units at same time is a nice view *-*


40 creeps plus 5 players from each faction fighting in a small area.
Creeps Types: Warriors, Mages, Warlocks, Priests, Hunters, Shamans, Druids.
Creeps AI to Heal, Buff, Cast Spells.
Heros: 20 Heros, 10 Horde and 10 Ally Heros.(Tank, DpS and Healer heros.)

Map objective is to kill enemy faction king or reduce their Reinforcements to 0, each kill count as reinforcement.
Creeps - 1 reinforcement.
Heros - 25 reinforcements.
Captains - 50 reinforcements.
Each tower destroyed reduce enemy king attack power and max life.

  • Massive AoS.
  • Many Creeps Class.
  • Creeps AI to cast spells, buffs, debuffs, heal.
  • 20 Heros.
  • AI to play with/versus Bots.
  • Few secondary objectives.
  • Only one way attack. One Lane.

Game Options:

-ap (you can select heros from any team)
-rc XX (1-60 Respawn Ceerps: change Creeps respawn timmer)
-mc XX(Max Creeps: Select max creeps from each faction 0-200, defaut 40)
-r XX (Reinforcements: Select initial reinforcementst 1-9999, defaut 1250)
-wtf (No Cooldown and No Mana Cost on spells)
-cam XX (10-40 to close/far camera)
-ang XXX(0-359 change camera angle ov view)


The battle of Alterac Valley has been going on for years between the dwarfs of the Alliance and the orcs of the Horde. Drek'thar invaded the dwarfs teritory not knowing that it was the start of a never ending siege. Now, both the alliance and the horde has hired a line of legendary champions, all sticking out by their heroic deeds.
The war is about to end, once and for all.


Screenshots 0.86c:


















Change Log


Add more Doodads(Barracks and blacksmiths on bases)
Changed Creeps AI(now they don't stop and run back)
Add more Items.
Fixed items and items Hotkeys.
Gold Return when sells items changed to 90%.
Old Changelog:0.64

Improved Terrain.
Balanced some items.
Improved AI.
Now Faction Bosses don't leave starting area.
Add a new system to destroyed towers nerf Faction Boss.(to Boss be "killable")
Add taunt ability on Tank Heros.
Add Gold Reward to Hero Kills.(100g)
Now have a delay before u can select your hero(15 sec) to host select game options.

Improved Terrain.(again)
Balanced more items.
Changed random creeps system(Fixed to factions have the same ammount of class).
Rebalanced creeps class(5% healers, 25% warriors, 10% mage, 10% warlock, 50% hunters)
Creeps Healers Nerfed.
Warlocks and Mages Buffed.

Fixed some bugs.
Add a ending cinematic.
Add a new shop.(trinkets shop, stats bonus only)
Reduced some Hero Spells Effects and Cooldowns.

Add 2 new Heros.
Changed some hero spells.
Changed show system from some spells.(Now show real damage/heal effect)
Fixed each hero Class.(Tank/DpS/Caster)
Add Taunt Ability to tank class
Add Berserk Ability to DpS class
Add Improved MP Regen to Caster Class.
Reduced Mana of Inteligence from 15 to 10.
Incrased mana regem of inteligence from 0.05 to 0.15.
Reduced Armor bonus of Agility from 0.3 to 0.1.
Defaut Creeps respawn time Incrased from 20 to 25 sec.
Creeps base Move Speed Decrased from 200 to 175.

Removed Hero Thinker.
Add Hero Lich.
Some new spells.
Now all heros have:
3 normal spells with 4 levels
1 Ultimate with 3 levels.
Status Bonus with 10 levels.
Reduced exp to level up.

Naga Spells nerfed
Lich Spells nerfed
Int mana regen changed from 0.15 to 0.9
Remake hero exp system, required exp to high level decrased.
Changed multiboard title.
Add hero level in Multiboard.
Add a msg in multiboard to leaver players.

Add new hero class.(Support)
Improved Terrain.(Add some watherfalls and rivers)
Now map have fog, and add command -fog to remove fog on starting.
Some bugs fix.
Exp system changed again.

A few bugs fix.
Incrased creeps HP.
Creeps upgrade is faster now.
Some sumons spells changed.(Add lvl 4 sumons)
Incrased attack damage from many sumoned units.

A bugs fix.

Add a new Hero (Shaman) Support.
Decrased colision size from many summoned units (you can move your units more easy now).
Incrased HP regen of Strength from 0.05 to 0.15
Add musics (on start, mid and end).
Improved final cinematic.
Improved script (game is ready to many heros, now load only picked heros spells).
Add hero icon on Multiboard.
Incrased Exp gain from creeps.
Changed Horde Mage model, from Troll Witch Doctor to Banshee.
Some terrain changes.
Shop models changed.
Mid shops replaceds in new areas.
Buffed defensive towers (incrased attack damage and Max HP).
Nerfed last bosses (decrased attack speed and Max HP).
Removed fog from bases (you ever can see all your base).
Add a warnig when any team have low(under 100) reinforcements.
Some spells bugs fix.

So many things...
Add new creep class, shaman, 7,5% of total creeps(3 on default mode).
Add Gold Mines, you can take(destroy) gold mine to make it yours and gain reinforcements.
You gain 1 reinforce every 20 sec for each gold mine you have.
Add a Dummy to stock items.
Add a hero revive delay, 10 sec on first death increase time by 5 sec on every death, max of 60 sec delay.
Heavy terrain changes.
and many more but i forgot now *-*

Add stock spells to instant revive hero.
Changed PotM Scout Spell for Giant Arrow.
Changel Far Seer spell Volcano for Energy Blast
Changed Pandarem Ultimate for Pandaria
(all new custon trigerred spells.)
Add creeps spell, hunter, explosive shoot.
Colored map name.
Add some more "quests".
Some interface changes.(improved tooltips)

Bugs Fix.(Most part visual bugs)
Add 10 new custon trigerred spells.
Script improved, some leaks fix.

Some bugs fix.
Add more custon trigerred spells.
Name changed from 'Alterac Valley' to 'Alterac Battle'
Add one more creep class > Resto Druids
Druids have Rejuvenation Aura, Farie Fire, Cyclone and Nourish.
Improved creeps AI.
Add Dispel to priests.

Lots of changes, i will report what i remember *-*
Hero's size reduced, to be like creeps.
Add -ar (all random) mode.
Add 8 new heros spells.
Fixed tons of tooltips.
Removed "stock".
Add a new "base" for each faction.
Now you can revive with a spell from your base.
Bases sell Workers.
Worker can repair towers or carry items for heros.
Each player can have only 1 worker.

Add AI Bots(they are pretty dumb, but they play)
Add some more effects on Gold Gain and Kills.
Fixed all spells tooltips.

Fixed more spells, spells tooltips.
Add some more spells.
Add Faction Captains, Balinda and Galvangar.
Killing a captain your team gain a 2 min buff(incrase HP/MP Regen/Damage Done).
Captains revive after 2 min and come back stronger.
When a captain die the team lost 50 reinforcements.
Some terrain changes.
Improved AI(but still alot to improve).
Add level 2 Towers. Back towers are bigger, do more damage and have more HP.
Default reinforcements changed from 1000 to 1250.

Remake all items.
Add a new "item system".
Now you can upgrade base items and make some fusions, i still making more items.
When you try upgrade a item it have 10% chance of broke.
Changed gold gain, now you can gain gold from 2 ways, salary and player kill.
Each time you kill a enemy hero you gain 100+(25*Enemy Hero level) gold.
Every 30 sec you can your salary based on formula:(125+(Your level * 25)+(Your factions Mines*75)
Add more enviroments, trees.
Add "Chop Tree" ability on Workers.
Add Runes that spawn every 2 min on each side of middle river.
7 Runes type: Illusion, Invisibility, Restore(Area), Spirity Link, Spell Block(area), Haste and Double damage.
Remade all potions to be cheeper and more usefull.
Some new hero spells.
Many tooltips fix.

8 New items.
Tooltips fix.
Bugs Fix.
Exploits Fix.
Invisible Bridge Removed.
Add more trees.(allowing only 1 way to mines)
Default Reinforces changed from 1250 to 2000.
Changed Ending, now it pause game at ending but don't close game imediately.

Many new items.
Some terranning changes.
Add Light Gray Fog Effect.
Add 2 Legendary Items.
Shadowmourne(Cleave Effect)
Natherstorm Longbow(Multi Shot)
Legendary items requires Oposite faction captaim head to be made.
Now Captains drop his head when die.
If you get the head of your faction captaim it will be destroyed.
Ending changed to allow players to talk and you can use Esc to exit game after end.
Some hero spells changes.
Initial Reinforcements changed from 2000 to 2500.
Changed hero select system, (now i can add as many heros as i want, isen't limited to only 1 tavern anymore.)
Fixed some problems on -ap mode.
Now you have 20 sec to select mode up from 10.
Now game spawn after 1 min up from 30 sec.

Add new Ultimate on Dark Ranger.(Custom spells)
Removed spell imunity from bosses.

Add new hero spells.
Lich - Graviton.
Alchemist - Life Granade.

Changed many hero spells.(Now all heros have at last 1 trigerred spell)
Add -easy -hard and -insane mode (for creeps)
Add "-bc XX" command to change item break chance (0-100, 0 never breake, 100 = ever breake)
Improved Bots AI.
Add new items.
Changed some items.
Add creeps Bountry(low 1-10 gold only, testing)
Terrain improved a bit.
Script improved.

Some small bugs fix.
Terraning changed a bit.
Add many new custom trigerred spells on heros.

Changed bases, hero spawn location and others cosmetic stuffs.
Add Sieges/Demolishers spawn, Long range units(1300) every 5 min.
Reduced creeps attack power.
Changed item broke system, now you can't "have the update" it only update item if you have reagents, and reduced chance of fail from 10% to 5%.
Add some more custom spells.
Changed initial reinforces from 2500 to 3000.
Fixed bug with -bc command.
Fixed some tooltips mistakes.
Add more paths to walk on the trees.

Reduced Sieges/Demolishers HP from 2500 to 2000
Bugs and Exploits fix.
Tooltips fix.
Balance: Melee heros increased initial strength.
Add buttons on factions castle to:
Change camera distance/angle(easyer than -cam command).
Show hero move speed(alternative to -ms).

Add -random command to select a hero.
Add cost of 500g to pick a hero.(if use -random don't cost nothing)
Add -repick on AR and random(select another random hero at cost of 500g)
Fixed some small bugs.
Changed caster creeps attack type to magic.
Changed upgrade type of creeps(now each creep gain a diferent upgrade).
Nerfed a bit creeps damage.
Changed -hard and -insane Extra HP to 250% and 500%
Increased sieges/demolishers attack damage.
Changed Towers Level 1 skin.
Increased Stregth hp regen from 0.2 to 0.25

Changed Faction bosses type to heros.
Removed Creeps buff from killing towers.
Add a "take tower" system.
Add -unstuck command.
Add unstuck button on castle.
Some small bugs fix.

Add flying weaves every 3:30 min.
Incrase time from Siege weaves from 5 min to 6 min.
Fixed bug with players name(when repick hero many times).
Small terrain changes.
Some Effects changed(double damage rune).
Lots of changes on spells(nerfs/bufs to better balance)
Decreased attack cooldown from meele heros, from 2.25 to 2 seconds.
Improved script.

Some Bugs Fix.
Add many new hero spells.
Fly weave changed from 3:30min to 5 min.
Fly weave changed from 3 to 4 units.

Some Bugs Fix.
Add new hero.(Firelord)
Add new Neutral tavern.
Fly weave changed from 5 min to 2:30 min.

Some small bugs fix.
Changed Dark Nova(Item-Spell) to point cast, 900 range.
Changed Heros Class Spells.
Tank heros now have Barkskin.
Melee DpS now have 50% Life Steal + Berserk(50% attack speed, 33% move speed)
Ranged DpS have Berserk(100% Attack Speed, 100% damage taken increase)
Fly weave changed from 2:30 min to 2:25 min.
Catapult weave changed from 6:00 min to 5:55 min.


New hero, Pit Lord
Some terrain Changes.
Fixed some bugs.
Changed captains place.
Add a ping on map when take a tower/mine.
Removed -easy/hard/insane modes.
Now creeps HP change with number of players.




  • Mumbis - game history
  • Vexorian - TimerUtils
  • Rising_Dusk - GroupUtils
  • THW - Hosting
  • Blizzard - Warcraft III
  • Arowanna92 - Description template

Special Thanks:

  • Daredevinho - Tests


Author’s Notes

Any feedback is welcome.
Map os optimized, and protected.

Preview of next versions

Add new heros?
Please, if anyone with time can make better screenshots(or videos) to use on map description.




Wow, Alterac, Battle, Valley, AV, AB, Warcraft, Horde, Alliance, youkaiz

Alterac Battle 0.89c (Map)

18:49, 1st Sep 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
Level 9
Jul 23, 2008
Good! Now add some colors to the text :)
Like for example... it looks much nicer if you color the title with one color and the other text with one:
-Game Story-
The battle of Alterac Valley has been going on for years between the dwarfs of the Alliance and the orcs of the Horde. Drek'thar invaded the dwarfs teritory not knowing that it was the start of a never ending siege. Now, both the alliance and the horde has hired a line of legendary champions, all sticking out by their heroic deeds.
The war is about to end, once and for all.
Will you make history?

Something like that :D
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
If anyone can help with map.
I need make a better terrain, units models, and spells effects.
(preffer to don't use any imported model to hold tiny map size)

I working on new itens now and don't have too much time to improve tarrain, unit models, creeps spells.
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Hey, I like AoS maps! I'll try this out and leave a review when I'm done!

Good things about your map:
  • Nice Floating Text to show gold being gained over time.
  • Custom items. That's always good.
  • Nice, simple, and not bad looking setup. (Terrain, layout)
  • Bases appear balanced.
  • Edited some things in the Gameplay Interface.
  • Personally, I like that really large Altar of Kings behind the Mountain King in the Human Base.

Bad things about your map:
  • Nothing in the quest log (such as information on the map that can be referred to at any point while the player is playing). What if he forgets the commands that flashes up on the screen at the start of game?
  • No custom Heroes.
  • The word "itens" should be "items" instead.
  • No Neutral Hostile creeps.
  • The bases don't really have enough in them. Most AoS bases have a barracks, a town hall, and other buildings for looks to fill some of that empty space in the base, and to have a better place to have the troops spawn from.
  • The units owned by Blue and Red are just running back and forth from their base to the middle of the map, as if they are confused on which base to go to. That needs fixing. That one bug kinda ruins the gameplay.


Since the gameplay is ruined by the bug where the units just go back and forth between the two bases, I won't rate the map yet, since I really don't know how the map would play out if it didn't have that bug. But overall, it's a pretty simple map. If I were to rate it though, I might give it a 3/5. I suggest you do something to your map to make it more enjoyable, such as some random events, or well for starters, creeps.

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Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
Nothing in the quest log (such as information on the map that can be referred to at any point while the player is playing). What if he forgets the commands that flashes up on the screen at the start of game? Fixing it now :vw_sad:

No custom Heroes. <<< I will do this to 0.7+ version, first i will work more on game mechanics.

The word "itens" should be "items" instead. <<< Fixed :goblin_boom:

No Neutral Hostile creeps.<<< I don't want to add neutral creeps, have too many factions creeps is far enought, but i want to make some "bosses" spawn sometimes.

The bases don't really have enough in them. Most AoS bases have a barracks, a town hall, and other buildings for looks to fill some of that empty space in the base, and to have a better place to have the troops spawn from. <<< Fixed, i think :goblin_good_job:

The units owned by Blue and Red are just running back and forth from their base to the middle of the map, as if they are confused on which base to go to. That needs fixing. That one bug kinda ruins the gameplay. Fixed with new AI, i hope this new AI work fine.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Map Review

"Alterac Valley" another AOS map that resembles the scenes of the Alterac Valley of World of Warcraft's pvp battleground. this map was made by Youkaiz.

Alterac Valley v0.64







Note: Were I pronounce your game challenging or a waste of time.

Note: This part tells me if the game is rather fun and can be played again and again.

Note: Were I tell your game's environmental display is either great or terrible.

Note: This is were I explain the output or outcome quality of the game.

Note: No score, just to tell your map has bugs on it or simply bug-free.


About My Reputations:

My complements for the Maker/s of the map's game.

Were I explain your map needs to get fix or make an improvement of your work.



I find your game annoying and hard to finish at the same time, I mean a 40 wave is just too much, and the healing spam is so hard to coupe on, reduce the healing effects or rather remove it and replace it with the Human Priest's Heal ability, the creep spawning commands, I recommend you to also remove it since that is too imbalance in the game of an AOS, its best if you could just make those commands into a de-bug like state or wtf, you know what I mean.



The playability of your map is so boring, usually, an AOS map makes the players Think, Visualize, and React as fast as they could because its a game of where predators can be the prey and prey can be the vice-versa. I suggest you enlarge your map and make a terrain or environment where players can make good strategies within the game, not just making them stand in the middle and do spamming skills that makes you so bored.



The Terrain was plain, I suggest you combine Lordaeron/Village Terrain with the Lordaeron Winter so your map would look epic, make good mountains, icey waters, lakes and add better doodads and environments for your map to look alive.



On my conclusions, its not enough, I mean you can kill your allies and that is not good for an AOS map, make a trigger where you cannot kill your allies but rather deny them, all towers act the same, no level by level, where on each said levels, they increase there damage and hitpoints for the enemy cannot pass so easily, the items, I suggest you just make recipe systems instead of making the same items. and finally, the bosses of the game, well there good to me, nothing bad to explain about it but there is one thing, it would be nice if you can make a good ending. like making the map pause and show the overall multiboard for all players, or something better.


No bugs for now


Hope you can do better than before, Goodluck!
happy map-making!
Level 9
Jul 23, 2008
eheey! you took my idea for a description! ;)

I Think this map idea is to awesome! Let me help you make some spells for the heroes :3
I know how to make the most of the real WoW spells.. Can help you with alot more aswell I guess!
Just love this idea somehow. x)
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Well, this map has definitely improved since the last time I looked at it. The terrain has made serious improvements, the bases look a lot better, you have some new heroes, you have information in the quest log now, and I see you've fixed that bug (which of course was a must :D). All of these characteristics make your map much better than it was before.

One minor problem I've seen though. You put the map's environmental sound effect on "Psychotic", which makes all sounds on the map with a seriously weird sounding echo that lasts too long to sound normal, if you have your 3D Environmental Sound Effects in the audio settings on.

The game can also lag a little with all of those units that spawn you have spawning. Another thing is that the map seems kind of boring when all of the units are just sitting there in the middle attacking each other, but there are so many units there, you can't kill all of them. I'd only probably find this fun if I played it with about 5 different people.

3.5/5(~4/5) from me.
Level 3
Nov 17, 2009
I'll say it has potential. But so far, that's it...
The next sentence is not advice, it's not a suggestion, it's an order: Halve the numbers of creeps that spawn... I played for half an hour.. I had Tyrande and after half an hour, with lvl4 trueshot aura, spamming starfall every 30sec and with that item that gives +5 devotion aura i coudn't push the creeps out of the river... WOW.

People like to be strong.. I get that your idea for the map is that the heroes people play with are mercenaries that are just "helping out"... If I were a lowly soldier in world war three and i really wanted one side to win, I'd "help out" as well.. But today I was playing a game, something i was hoping to get some fun out of, and i attack moved, spammed my ulti, and didnt make a difference. I couldnt even get to the first line of towers.. Make hall heroes about 3 or 4 times stronger than they currently are compared to creeps

You should turn the bounty flag on for the creeps' player.. Then at least I could try and pay attention to stuff and bother last hitting. As of yet, besides killing heroes, i havent figured out how i actually get that periodic cash boost.

My item BROKE?! BROKE?! After spending about 1k gold on it, it just said "oops, your item BROKE!?!?" Maybe you thought it was a nifty idea at one stage, but it is most definitely NOT. When i tried to make it again, it broke randomly a few more times..

OK, sorry if this message came across a bit aggressively.. But I've pointed out things that need the most urgent attention.
Other than that, i noticed:
Suggested Players: 10+? There can only be ten players.

Also, you need to put some round-about paths and stuff into the trees so players can run around to the back of the armies, etc..
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
People like to be strong.. I get that your idea for the map is that the heroes people play with are mercenaries that are just "helping out"... If I were a lowly soldier in world war three and i really wanted one side to win, I'd "help out" as well.. But today I was playing a game, something i was hoping to get some fun out of, and i attack moved, spammed my ulti, and didnt make a difference. I couldnt even get to the first line of towers.. Make hall heroes about 3 or 4 times stronger than they currently are compared to creeps

I done it now, add "-easy" command to easy mode all NPCs have half HP and is prety easy to push.

You should turn the bounty flag on for the creeps' player.. Then at least I could try and pay attention to stuff and bother last hitting. As of yet, besides killing heroes, i havent figured out how i actually get that periodic cash boost.

I can't enable boutry cuz we have healers heros and they don't kill so much.
I can try add a low bountry like 1-5 gold each creep, but dps heros will gain alot more, but is a test.

My item BROKE?! BROKE?! After spending about 1k gold on it, it just said "oops, your item BROKE!?!?" Maybe you thought it was a nifty idea at one stage, but it is most definitely NOT. When i tried to make it again, it broke randomly a few more times..
Hehe, this is the idea, each time you try upgrade a item you never know if it will work or you will lost it.
Btw add "-bc XX" (Broke Chance) command default is 10, if you select -bc 0 items never will broke, oc if select 100 they will ever broke.

Suggested Players: 10+? There can only be ten players.
Is only to ppl coment about, haha it work *-*, i want a fun sentence to use on it.

Also, you need to put some round-about paths and stuff into the trees so players can run around to the back of the armies, etc..
You can use "Quelling Blade" item to chop trees and make your way or buy a worker and order him to chop trees(workers can crop trees *-*)

you can use this to attack enemy gold mine or try backdoor a tower.

PS: Thanks for testing and comment. :)
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Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
My item BROKE?! BROKE?! After spending about 1k gold on it, it just said "oops, your item BROKE!?!?" Maybe you thought it was a nifty idea at one stage, but it is most definitely NOT. When i tried to make it again, it broke randomly a few more times..

Epic! What a disaster! No one wants to buy an item that costs that much gold to just end up with it 'breaking'.

According to Weyird, I'd say it would be a good idea to either make items where they didn't break, or make it where maybe when the item broke, you received a sort of useless, or 'broken' item, that did absolutely nothing. Then you could take that item to a blacksmith of some sort and get it repaired and restore it to its fully functional counterpart.

Just a little idea I just came up with out of nowhere. :)
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
I fixed now the command to remove item broke chance and reduced default broke chance from 10% to 5%. ^^

I see this thing of itens broke when my friend say his items broke on a MMORPG.
But items only broke if you are updating basic items, recipes and others never broke.

Btw, i will try add something like a blacksmith to repair items.
But if yours can test again, i think now only 5% chance of broke is more fun, is rare to items broke on updates and hold the "afraid" of it broke when you try update it.

I have add too siges and demolithers that give more bountry when killed. Some more gold to help making items.

Add a template on decription :)
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Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Alright, by request, I've looked at the map again, and I noticed it has an AI in it now. I don't think that was in there before, but if it was, my mistake. AIs are always good for people (like me) who want to play single-player sometimes.

The map's got some nice spells. I played the Mountain King this time. His Storm Bolt ability is nice, you know, with the knockback effect and all. :D

A slight problem with this map is that the lane in the middle (at least in my opinion) seems a little too small. If you are a melee Hero and there are all of those units blocking the ramp, how are you supposed to get through? I suggest you make that area in the middle a little wider so more units can get through. It is possible to get your Hero through that mess, but it's just really cluttered with all of those units there.

I think some of the recipe items should be a little better. For instance, the Quelling Blade requires a Level 4 Claws of Attack and a Level 4 Trinket of Nobility, correct? It takes 1000 gold to buy the Quelling Blade, which adds 24 damage, 12 stats, and a Tree Chop ability. Well the other two items already give 24 damage and 12 stats, so really all you are getting is a Tree Chop ability and of course you are freeing an inventory space. But that isn't much for 1000 gold.

I'll give you a 4/5 and +rep, which technically didn't improve your rating any, since I gave you a 3.5/5(~4/5) last time, but at least you know you're going in the right direction.

If you need further comments or suggestions on your map, feel free to give me a shout and I'll try to get to you ASAP.
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
Ty for testing again *-*
I will add another way or something like this to ppl walk, probabily another ramp near mines.
And i still making spells for heros, i like spells with nice eyecand but they don't have a nice balance and some heros got a bit overpowered. :vw_death:

If anyone know a bad hero or spells that yours think it need to be changed tell me and i will try change it for something better.